UK paper refers Malawi minister as game ranger: The Sun later corrects online

Some section of Malawians  told The Sun newspaper of the UK to apologise after it erroneously referred to Energy, Natural Resources and Environment minister Binton Kutsaira as a game ranger.

The Sun of UK had captioned the photo of Malawi ministers with Prince Harry as a game ranger
Prince Harry greets Malawi minister Bintony Kutsaira
Prince Harry speaking at Liwonde National Park as Malawi government minister Bintony Kutsaira stands next to him
In camouflage gear: Minister of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining Bintony Kutsaira

The publication had the mix up because the Cabinet minister  known for his controversial fashion sense was dressed in full camouflage attire, mostly won by game rangers, during the visit of Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry to Liwonde National Park on Monday.

Kutsaira, described as one of hard working ministers, helped Prince Harry unveil a memorial pillar for a British soldier, Guardsman Mathew Talbot killed by an elephant in an anti-poaching operation.

He was the most senior government official to walk Prince Harry through the park.

But some Malawians said it was unfair to label a powerful Cabinet minister as a mere game ranger whilst others poked fun at the erroneous caption in the newspaper.

This came barely a week after some Malawians in various social media platforms also took turns to poke fun at the minister for putting on an oversize jacket when President Peter Mutharika was arriving in the US for the UN general assembly.

There was no immediate comment from Kutsaira on the issues.

But The Sun online has put action of the Press Association photos  that infact Prince Harry was unveiling the Talbot plaque  along with Malawi government minister Kutsaira

Prince Harry also watched an anti-poaching exercise and presided over the dedicating of Liwonde National Park and Mangochi Forest Reserve to the Queens Commonwealth Canopy for their protection for future generations.

Kutsaira said the government has invested a lot of efforts in the conservation of natural resources through legislation, funding, partnership and commitment.

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Winston msowoya
Winston msowoya
5 years ago

Malawians,why did your government allow the pictures of your Minister to be published? Many foreigners could not believe that your Minister was a human being and some thought that he was an old BABOON and one whiteman asked whether all AFICANS are like that.The first Malawi Cabinet Ministers were the talk of Africa,They were more handsome and brilliant guys and it will take another 50 years before the cabinet Ministers look like the Chipemberes.Bwanausis,Msonthis,Yatutas,Dunduzu,Kanyamas, Chirwas etc.Candidly,this Minister of yours,is GARBAGE.Where is our SWITZELAND OF AFRICA GOING!!!!!!!!!

Winston msowoya
Winston msowoya
5 years ago

Who could believe that the comoufleged hippo was Malawi’s Minster of Natural Resources?He looks like old aged hipo.So in Malawi these days there are no smart and good looking men?The man seen in the picture,confirms that even his President too looks like that.SHAME and CRY MY BELOVED MALAWI!!!!!!!!

5 years ago

Who paid for this article?the park ranger I guess….hardworking mukuinena my articles inakupindulilaniko liti pa moyo wanu ?amalawi timapondelezedwa because timakonda kuchekenela park onse kwathu are privately managed at tourists.not many malawians can afford to have a weekend at a national park .ntchito kusekelela zopusa

5 years ago

He looks like a hippo, gosh! he needs help.

Zonse ndi nthawi
5 years ago

Kutsaira ndibambo ake a Joe Gwaladi lero ndakhulupilira kkkk ndende

5 years ago

What happened to all the illegally poached ivory that was due to be burned some years ago? We never heard any more about it after the burning was cancelled by the then government.

5 years ago

l think he is having twins 😂😂😂

5 years ago

I think a game ranger he is. No apology

Girl lady
Girl lady
5 years ago

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk nafwaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thengere King
5 years ago

kkkkkk Looks like python kkkk

5 years ago
Reply to  Thengere King


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