Undule: Protecting people with albinism in Malawi must be paramount
Few days ago I had an opportunity to closely work and plan with people with Albinism for the first time in years. How impressed I was with them as I learnt a lot about their humility, humane, humbleness, care and intellect.

But my interaction with them is totally different to what is going on in regard to people with Albinism, what they are experiencing is so shocking and inhuman .It is sad that throughout Africa an indeterminate number of individuals with albinisms, especially children, have been victims of brutal attacks and murder in the name of witchcraft, superstition and wealth. Albinism is one of the most unfortunate vulnerabilities and needs to be addressed immediately at both national and international level.
What else can you of call such people who commit atrocities against people with Albinism in form of infanticide, kidnappings, amputations and decapitations, for the purpose of supplying the highly valued body parts to underground markets of witchcrafts. Such evil people are nothing but demonic agents and satanists who have nothing tangible to offer to the good of humanity .If you are one of them, just know time is up and I pray the evil powers behind persecution of people with Albinism be consumed by the Holy Ghost fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
The brutal killing of Harry Mokoshoni, the 9 years old Albinism boy in Machinga must make us wake up as a nation in the need to protect people with Albinism. The nation must know that Albinism is a genetically inherited condition and it can occur to any family including you and me.
Why are people with Albinism being persecuted, killed, dismembered and their graves dug up and desecrated? Why are we ostracizing and even killing them for exactly the opposite reason, of being presumed to be cursed and bring bad luck? This is all about the evil works of the devil as the bible teaches us that the work of the devil is to steal, kill and destroy,(John 10:10)
As we are trying to deal with the plight of people with Albinism bear in mind that this is not an ordinary battle,it is a spiritual battle as the bible says “For our struggle is not against fresh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces in the heavenly realms”. – (Ephesians 6:12).
Be bold in this battle as noted in the word of God in Ephesians 6:10-11 which says “Finally be strong in the Lord and His might power.Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devils’ schemes”.
My brethren with God’s Grace we are victorious in this battle. Let us push for urgent reforms of current laws to protect people with Albinism, embark on aggressive public awareness with a human face, trace the underground markets for body parts demand, trace the syndicate within and across the borders , curtail, repeatedly condemn and apprehend witch doctors, their helpers, middlemen and thier clients without fear. Let us act with results.
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A Undule izi ndizomwe mudzimenyera nkhondo osati zaumve zanu zija zokwatirana azibambo oro azimayi okhaokha. Zija mukumalimbana ndi Mulungu mukathera nazo ku Gehena ndi ndalama zanu. Ndalama isakupangitseni kutumikira satana, mukumva kodi?
Go preacher man! Amen