UTM, UDF candidates pull out of Nsanje by-elections

As the 30th March 2021 by-election draws closer, two candidates in Nsanje district have pulled out of the race.

Mandevana signing after verifying his details on a ballot paper while Rudi looks on

One of the candidates from Nsanje North constituency Kennedy Jailosi who was representing UTM Party said he has pulled out of the race because of financial problems.

Jailosi said since the party is silent on the forthcoming by-election he cannot manage on his own.

“It is true that I have pulled out of the race, this is so because of my financial problems, the party is not helping me, this problem is not for me only but for everyone who is contesting on UTM ticket, we went to the new Presidential elections without  the party support and this time around it is the same, since the party is silent, I will not push them there by choosing to pull out of the race,” said Jailosi.

United Democrat Front (UDF) candidate from Nsanje Central constituency Laston Saidi Katole said he will support Democrat Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Francis Kasaila.

“We are in an alliance with DPP and am not contesting, I will just support Kasaila during this period,” said Katole.

Speaking after the whole exercise, acting director of administration and human resources, who is the team leader for Nsanje central constituency King Rudi advised those who pulled out of the race to put it in writing.

Rudi hailed the whole process saying it has gone on well.

Speaking in an interview after verifying his details, Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Candidate Kafandikhale Mandevana said he is ready to face his rivals.

Mandevana said the pulling out of one candidate from the race is not new and it shows democracy.

“Am not afraid of the DPP-UDF alliance, this is a race, and I will do it and this just shows how strong our democracy is, “he said.

He further advised his followers to avoid violence during campaigns.

Nsanje central had five contestants who appeared on the ballot paper in the previous elections but now one has pulled out while Esmy Hubert Bande who was representing DEPECO is believed to be abroad.

While Nsanje North constituency had four contestants on the ballot paper in the 2019 tripartite elections and one has pulled out while another one Patrick Bande who was an independent candidate wants his name to still appear on the ballot paper despite that he is abroad.

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3 years ago

It is not the job of Government to support or fund candidates in Elections but well wishers of the party. If the individual did not have funds to run a campaign or well wishers support it was wrong for the party to nominate that individual.

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