Kamuzu Academy Alumni donate wheelchairs to Queen’s Hospital

Kamuzu Academy Alumni Association (KAAA) on Friday, April 20 donated 12 wheelchairs to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital to ease patients mobility at the referal hospital.

Kajanga presents the donation to Chewere as others look on
Kamuzu Academy Alumni pose with Queen’s staff after presentation

In her vote of thanks, Queens’ Deputy Director Linley Chewere said the donation has come at the right time because most of its wheelchairs got damaged due to over use and vandalism.

On the vandalism part, she disclosed some people would come and beg to borrow a wheelchair to take back home to use to bring a critically ill patient but when they came back with it, they had removed its tyres.

“You really don’t know what this donation means to us,” she said. “We really run out of wheelchairs. These wheelchairs are very ìmportant on daily basis.

“We can’t do without them, they are part of our daily operations here because being a referal hospital, most patients referred to here are in clitical conditions. For that receive ourheartfelt thanks,” she said.

Speaking on behalf of KAAA, engineer George Kajanga told the hospital staff that one of the members of the KAAA whatsapp group posted the state of wheelchairs and he pleaded if the Alumni could do something about.

“So we mobilised ourselves and K1.6 million was raised that was used to but the 12 wheelchairs,” he said.

“One of the objectives found in our constitution is to aim to be intentional leaders which our Founder late Kamuzu Banda instilled in us during our education at Kamuzu Academy,” he said.

“He gave us the slogan ‘Honor Deo et Patriae’ [honour God and your country] which in one way taught us to love our country. This gesture from us is to show that we are intentional leaders.”

He disclosed that Kamuzu Academy has produced many doctors operating in various hospitals in the country, some in private practice and others in public institutions. One such doctor is Patrick Kamalo, who is the sole neuro surgeon in this country after the death of Nga Ntafu.

“I would like to thank KAAA member who brought the conditions of wheelchairs here and the positive response from all members in mobilising funds for this donation.

“We do this in memory of our dear Founder Dr. Hasting Kamuzu Banda and we intend to carry out various charity work in our drive to be intentional leaders leaders,” Kajanga said.

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6 years ago

Makes me proud to be part of this noble gesture. Honor Deo et Patriae!!

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