Anglican has new prison chaplain

The Anglican  Diocses of Southern Malawi has a new Prison Chaplain,  Reverend Father John Ng’oma of Soche Christ The King Parish who replaces Reverend Father David Mponda of Thyolo Parish.

The  Anglican Diocese chaplain said from day one he was appointed he has been excitedo work for the welfare of prisoners in the diocese because just like any other living person  inmates need spiritual and human love and care.

He was appointed on September 1 2018 replacing Fr. Mponda who has been the chaplain for almost three years when he was priest for Manase parish in Blantyre.

The priest said the religious community needs to advance transformation in prisons so that the in mates are changed both spritually and humanly to make them responsible citizens.

“It should begin with us (religious people) to advance the wellbeing of prisoners so that they are changed people. If they properly undertand the love of God and allow Jesus to become Lord and Savour of their lives then we are winning.

“If they are changed inwardly we will make them become good citizens for both the Heaven and earth and we will see that both Heaven and the world will benefit,” said Ngoma.

He hailed the good working relationship existing between pprisons an the religions in the country saying it has multiple positivity which benefit the the in mates,  the deartment of prisons, the society at large, among others

“We make them become good and responsible citizens which the state wants and the society easily welcomes changed people,” said Fr. Ng’oma adding the religio community also ease pressure of other badic needs in the prisons through several interventions.

“Other than sharing the word of God with them the religious community also assist food, clothes, water, and many other things like medicine, which becomes a reluef to the prisoners, the prisons, the state and indeed relatives of the in mates,” said Ngoma.

So far Ngoma said he has been to Chichiri and Bvumbwe prisons on several visits but in October he intends to  visit the  other  are of jurrisfition at Nsanje, Makandi, Mulanje and Chikwawa Prisons.

As Prison chaplain Ng’oma said his duties include praying with the inmates, conducting counselling sessions, giving sacraments, cordinating visits of AnglIcan Clergy, guilds and laity and addressing some needs that the church is called to  come in.

“All is done in liason with the Malawi Prisons Service chaplain and management to make sure the prisoners are properly rehabilitated, are well looked after while they too serve their jail terms in accordance with the law,” he said.

Diocese of Southern Malawi covers huge areas in districts of Nsanje, Chikwawa, Blantyre, Chiradzulu, Mulanje, Thyolo and Phalombe as such Ngoma said he will need support from fellow clergy, church guilds, the Anglican communion, Malawians of various religious beliefs, civil society and the government.

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