CEDEP faults Malawi churches on demo ‘for life and family’: March against corruption, lack of drugs in hospitals, joblessness and blackouts
Human rights advocacy body, Centre for the Development of People (Cedep) has criticised plans for Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) alongside Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM) to hold a demonstration against abortion law and homosexuality to be held on Tuesday 6th December in all districts across the country.

In what they are terming ‘citizen march for life and family’, ECM and EAM has received backing from Nkhma Synod of the CCAP who have said they will joing thje pro-life demonstrations to serve as a reminder to all people and institutions that human life is sacred and also that the dignity of the human being is the foundation of moral vision for society.
But CEDEP has said the faith groups move is meant to deflect Malawian’s attention from the suffering they are going through with the current economic turmoil.
“There are other things the groups can deal with at congregationa level with their followers than trying to divert Malawians’ attention from the many challenges the country is going through,” Cedep boss Gift Trapence said in a statement made available to Nyasa Times.
He said there are many social evils happening in the country that needs Churches to denounce them and even hold demonstrations against such malpractices.
“We have blackouts, water shortages, our economy has crumbled, corruption is on the increase and the government is not concerned either. There are the issues that EAM could have demonstrated against,” said CEDEP.
CEDEP statement specifically blames EAM which does not condemn governance and other social evils that has political connotation.
The rights group is asking the religious leaders to hold demonstrations against lack of drugs in hospitals, loss of business due to electricity blackouts, and increasing levels of unemployment instead of abortion.
Proposed abortion law is expected to be tabled in Parliament this coming seating of Parliament and advocates of the legislation have been arguing that by denying women of the freedom to procure abortion legally, it is costing government more in treatment effects of unsafe abortion complications.
tlapensi iwe nde wa fundo zoola azungu akulowani mukabudula. munayamba kusamba nkhope yokhala ngati dzimwe ija azungu akupanitsana.mutu ngati pumbwa
now poti iwe unabadwa bambo ako atakwatila bambo nzao.
komaso zoti akatolika anapangisa kuti ana a school asaphuzile. unabadwa litilo pomwe tinkakhala pa dzuwa, mvula mulungu watunthu nthawi ija ngwazi amayendera minda, olo nsonkhano umene we were glued kulephera kukakodza 4 hrs kuvera sipichi eti paja? nthawi ijamaphuzilo analiko nde ukudandaula lelo pomwe a teacher sakulandila malipilo, ma school a secondary ena atsekrdwa kaye kulibe madzi.
fundo zanu adha nzambwerera
These issues are as controversial those of death sentence and .org ICC. The west come to us to abolish death sentence while in their own countries they did not abolish it. Some states of the USA do still carry out death sentence as we speak now but they want Africa and other parts of the world to abolish it, what is their motive would it not be fair that they led by example????. In the same USA some states still criminalises abortion and yet they want us to entirely decriminalise it, what is their motive???. In the same USA they… Read more »
THE MISGUIDED SOUL Am deeply worried that a Man of your age till today has missed the very essence of civilization which for all intents and purposes should not be yet far from life. The argument that the churches should have demonstrated on the issue of electricity and not as it did is wholly a childish argument better yet a lucking argument for want of a better word. Per adventure, some would wish to know that even today the medical people in exceptional circumstances would make a decision to either save the mother than it is the unborn because in… Read more »
The demos were well organised and now the ball is in the hands of parliament! Lets save life!
Have you seen demonstrations by churches? They were well patronized. Not those prepared by civil societies like Billy Mayaya and Trapence which attract only family members and fellow officers and few imbibers.
We need abortion and our MPs should support the Abortion Bill. Women and girls are already aborting and government is wasting so much money due to complications arising from unsafe abortion. This money can be used to develop our country. Women and girls should have the right to decide whether to keep a pregnancy or not. Selfish men and the church SHOULD SHUT UP! Let people ignore these senseless demonstrations so that the church should be shamed! Well done Mr. Trapence
Last days…..or ataloleza kut dzitayani mimbazo inu mungataye?pot panopa anthu akutayabe …komasikut analoleza otaya ndalama basi. …zilingati kusuta chamba sikuti atalolezakut zisutani inu mungamasute chifukwa aloleza kusuta penapalipo?
Trapence has turned to mzungu’s good boy.
Pakazakhala zinthu zofuna mademo anthu sazakutengani serious chifukwa chofuna kuti boma livomeleze kupha ana.
Mr. Trapence, the nonsense you are talking about has been heard because you have got life! You should abort yourself first then we will believe in your nonsense. Otherwise between electricity and life, I will choose life. What will you choose yourself Mr. Trapence, if I may ask? Don’t cheat people, everyone on earth is pro-life. That’s the reason you are talking about drugs in hospital. Or are you saying drugs for abortion? Wise up, don’t be enslaved in your own country.
And you, Trapence, why don,t you yourself advocate for a crackdown on corruption, generation of adequate electricity and improvement of the economy??? Instead of doing what you want others to do, you are busy glorifying abortions and same sex marriages. Are you not a hypocrite??