Court jails University of Malawi student 3 years for impersonation: Used fake certificate to get into Chanco
The Zomba Chief Resident Magistrate court has sentenced Emmanuel Zosiyilana John, a student at Chancellor College, to three years imprisonment with hard labour for impersonation in a certificate and another year’s jail for perjury.

Presenting the facts in court, Eastern Region Prosecution Inspector Superintendent Solomon Gomezgani Mchawi said, the convict falsely registered himself with University of Malawi, Chancellor College as Goodson Kangazi, a holder of Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) with 12 points and had qualified for Bachelor of Social Sciences, Gender Studies.
Mchawi said the convict was together with the owner of certificate Goodson Kangazi at Zomba Catholic Secondary School and sat for Malawi School Certificate of Education examination in 2013 where he got 27 points while Goodson Kangazi got 12 points.
After some time, the two met and the convict convinced Goodson Kangazi to give him his certificate and offer letter from Chancellor College after Goodson Kangazi had opted not to go to Chancellor College and reserved a place.
Just in his first semester, the convict went to Mulunguzi court to change his name from Goodson Kangazi to Emmanuel Z John a move that surprised the Assistant Registrar for Academics who alerted the police and the culprit was arrested.
The convict pleaded guilty to both charges and the Regional Prosecution Inspector Superintendent Mchawi asked for an immediate custodial sentence notwithstanding the fact that the convict is a first offender.
He said it was the contention of the State that the manner of the convict would lead to the deprivation of social and economic enjoyment of the true bearer of the certificate despite working hard to get such a document and grades.
Passing sentence, acting Chief Resident Magistrate Paul Chiotcha concurred with the state on the need to give the convict a custodial sentence. He therefore slapped him with 3 years imprisonment with hard labour on each count and the sentences are to run concurrently.
Emmanuel Zosiyilana John hails from Nsuluma village, in the area of Traditional Authority Njema in Mulanje district.
Now this useless CRM not long ago he decided that one influential politician had no case to answer after all the evidence presented before him. Here evidence is presented before him he decides to convict one and leave out the owner of the certificate. clearly reading from the story he is an accomplice he particiapted in this scam by offering his certificate and offer letter and the CRM does not see this just like he did not see a case to answer involving top politicians.
How come this thief is not tumbuka? Northerners are the only people who are not ashamed of cheating in exams, kuwonera mayeso assisted by teachers, and forging certificates.
How I wish one day Govt would flash-off all public servants who are using fake credentials most of whom are tumbukas. Mxieww!
How is this story about tribes??
Ndipotu alipo ambiri alomwe ama fake papers
government shld go n boarding secondary schools and thy will catch students who have forged MABEB IDs of some students who have failed to report n such schools and some teachers are beneficiaries of ths scheme since thy pocket hundred of thousands just to provide the neccessary details. So many students are changing names whn registering of MSCE whn thy reach form four
What else do u expect from Lomwes. Ukhuluku, kuba ndi prostitution
Praise God he is not Tumbuka, mukanaona pano matukwanidwe, ndiye poti ndiwakwanu mukhala chete
Mlomwetu uyu mbava ya certificate bwanji simukumukambirana? Koma akanakhala wakwithu pamenepa bwaa!Malawi
The article fails to tell us exactly which law the imposter broke.
This issue clearly shows that there is one set of laws for the poor and another for the risch. This guy was sentenced to 3 years for a fairly trivial offence which affected almost nobody, same as a cashgate thief who stole millions of public money.
This guy is a real clown, Chapomba the maizegater, has no case to answer but this pooor boy goes to prison. Relieve him of his duties, he’s so dense!
A lomwe kuba