Dausi calls for companies to support ‘Buy Malawi’ initiative

Minister of Information, Communication and Technology, Nicholas Dausi has called for the support of Buy Malawi initiative  to help boost the country’s economy, decrying the tendency by some foreign companies operating in the country to import products at the expense of local ones.

Best Buy Malawi: Dausi the opening of the Financial Literacy Workshop in Mangochi. Pictures by Roy Nkosi.

 Dausi and RBM communications director Leslic Mkandawire after opening the workshop on Tuesday in Mangochi. -Photo by Lisa Vintula, Mana

Dausi said this on  Tuesday at Sun n’ Sand Resort in Mangochi when he officially launched a workshop the Reserve Bank of Malawi organized for District Information Officers (DIOs), senior and other staff from the Ministry on financial economic literacy.

He stressed the need for Malawians to stop importing things that could be found locally in the country saying there is need to uphold the ‘Buy Malawi’ Campaign .

“I would like to emphasize on the need for companies, hotels and restaurants to start appreciating goods made from within our country,” Dausi pointed out.

“It doesn’t make sense to import tea from Kenya or India, for instance, when we have very nice Chombe Tea or Mzuzu Coffee which are even recommended in Europe and all over the Western world,” he noted.

The Minister encouraged Malawians and companies to use local products as one way of promoting the country’s products.

On the workshop,  Dausi said it was vital to equip  State reporters  with skills and knowledge concerning financial matters.

The Minister observed that the country has registered a phenomenon stability of the Kwacha and that for the first time it has recorded high foreign reserve.

“We thought of engaging financial authorities from both government and the Reserve Bank to give us a lecture regarding financial stability so that the officers understand terms such as fluctuation, inflation, foreign reserve, stability of the Kwacha and how these impact on the lives ,” he said.

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7 years ago

akunyasaniso ma kampani a kunja? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk mundikozetsa nkuseka. inu simunatenga cinankwanyanya 100+ couretge ku UN kukkopa ma kampani a kunja. ku UK koseku paja amati malonda nkutsatsa. m bale wako uja bingu , bakha jb anacitaso cimodzimodzi. nde lelo muutinji? za mkunyo. mmakauzilanji kutri abwere ku MW mmati azizangokupatsani???????????????? zisilu zomwa madzi ometela. ucindele wakufikanipo. nzomwe mmafuna. Muluzi analigulitsa dziko kuyamba kwake kopita ku ntsetse. akanamavela advice ija ankapeleka late Fr O’Malley. komatu ai kakaka kumangoti ine ndine. tiyeni nazo. musayamba kualavula amakakkugulilani olo kukupatsani ci shippment ca ma suit. tiuzeni zina

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