Dausi targets Malawi Catholic youths to defy Bishops on demos: Same method used during one-party on Pastoral letter
Minister of Information Nicholus Dausi has been mobilizing some Catholic youths especially in the Archdiocese of Blantyre to defy the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) directive for a peaceful mass demonstration on December 13 to push government to table Electoral Reforms Bills, including the 50+1 provision.

Nyasa Times can reveal that Dausi, a well known Roman Catholic faithful, is chairing a task force which is finding ways of thwarting the nationalwide mass demonstration slated for December 13, 2017.
“The minister has been approaching some of our friends to defy the Catholic bishops directive on MBC radio and TV and social media platforms.
“I know for sure that most of them have been given money and they get it from Dausi himself,” said one of the Catholic youth who has been approached on the scheme.
Another impeccable source confided to us that there is indeed a task-force headed by Dausi whose aim is to find ways of thwarting the national demonstrations which has received endorsement from almost all religious groups in the country.
“It is clear the government is afraid of these demonstrations, there is too much frustration in this country and government feels this demonstration may spark some unrest because people are angry,” he said.
He said Dausi has reached to some Catholic youths especially from the Blantyre archdiocese to defy the ECM directive for people to go and conduct peaceful demonstrations.
“There is a lot of money exchanging hands on this which shows that government is not comfortable with the demonstrations,” said our source.
Apprently, when Catholic bishops issues a pastoral letter in 1992 read out in churches throughout the country – to condemn former dictator Hastings Kamuzu Banda – Dausi who was Banda’s aide used the same method with other officials to fight the bishop even threatening their lives.
When that letter was issued, the then-administration which Dausi was part of rounded up the Catholicbishops and a special convention of the party resolved to kill them.They were spared after international condemnation and intervention by Pope John Paul II.
That church move in 1992 is credited with bringing about dramatic social and political change in Malawi after three decades of tyranny.
Catholic Bishops and other religious leaders are calling on their followers to go and attend the mass demonstrations against government reluctance to table before parliament some electoral reforms bill which include the controversial provision of declaring winner of presidential election a candidate who has amassed 50+ 1% of the national vote.
The marches are organised by the Public Affairs Committee (PAC) which the bishops endorsed at their meeting held from November 28 to 30.
The bishops asked their faithful to mobilise all Catholics and people of goodwill within dioceses and parishes to participate in the marches, but also to pray for the nation and its leadership and take part in the marches in the spirit of active citizenship.
TheAnglican, the Evangelicals, Muslims and CCAP synods have also asked its followers to participate in the marches, urging them to congregate at four points in the country’s cities of Lilongwe, Blantyre, Mzuzu and Zomba.
Catholic Church, with more than three million followers, is the largest and influential church in Malawi.
It is credited with initiating political change after its historic pastoral letter of 8 March, 1992, led to democratic and human rights reforms. These ended three decades of oppressive rule by Kamuzu Banda.
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Mr Opinion, whenever you enter this page you should do so with something to share. Try to post something that even your Chakwera should be helped as he plans to be the next ”president”. I am always surprised when I see comments from MCP SUPPORTERS. Instead of writing something which can help the party how to strategize as we go towards 2019 they are busy insulting and writing obscene. Give Chakwera plans on what to do to win the elections in 2019. Find the reason why he failed in 2014 and what steps to take as a corrective measure. You… Read more »
When wicked people have got too much… they don’t see that others have got nothing/suffering. DPP does not see the importance of this bill…. It does not see how Malawi as country would benefit…Blinded by maphwevuphwevu akunyanyambitawa.. those of us who are hopping for a better Malawi are just watching… & will only speak through our actions…
Mr Shaaaaa you need to think aloud and see the real reason why MCP is crying for this bill. The party has seen to it that with the voting pattern in Malawi and the southern region being more populous it is obvious that any candidate contesting for MCP will never win a presidential seat. MCP thinks all the opposition parties will back it in a re-run. This is very myopic and shallow thinking because even you Shaaaaaaa knows that eastern region which is dominantly UDF and majority are Yao cannot support Chakwera even if he plays the craziest magic. This… Read more »
Santana, you are really an arse hole!!! How much are you paid for the rubbish that you write in favour of the DPP government? I bet you can even sell your own mother just to write some good things about DPP. It is doubtful if you are a Malawian and based within the country. You are a disgrace to your parents – you NEVER see sense in anything against DPP. Useless person.
50+1 is for every party candidate, I wonder why DPP misunderstand the issue,mukamatamba kumayangana kummawa, time has come for change whether you like it or not, moto buu!!!
Mr Shaaaaaa, what do you mean by ”men of God’?” The men you are talking about had direct contact with God. Tell me which man of God had spoken to God on this 50+1 issue? When did Chingota and Mulomole talk to God on this issue? Do you think our God is a stupid God that he can involve himself in a silly matter like this? Yes, men of God were there to direct leaders where necessary. But this was happening when there was a national cry. When a nation faces a problem which is felt by everyone. Is 50+1… Read more »
I feel sorry for you.. coz you are short-sighted. You can not see beyond your nose. We as a country we fail to progress coz be advocate for polices that are beneficial to us… we are not planning for the future.. I feel sorry for my country to have pple like u.. look at the problems we are facing now.. its coz someone failed to do his/her job. These guys are not forcing anyone to demonstrate… but those who feel that this bill is necessary will take part…those who are ok will stay in their respective homes… Period.
My question is directed to the church elders and bishops. Is this 50+1 bill a political or spiritual matter? Since Malawians are belonging to different parties they might also look at this matter differently. What sin can a person have if he says ”no” to your request for a march? What type of sin were we doing in the past five elections when there was no 50+1? Why is it that the church is inviting its faithfulls to a march which has nothing to do with God? The matter is being taken by some of the church as if God… Read more »
Mbulii ya munthu.. bill yikazadusa siyikutanthauza kuti DPP yizaluza… koma yikufunsa prezident who is popular…. It will will bring competitiveness among major parties.. koma ukuganiza ngati ubongo mumutu mwako anachosamo or ngati ulimo ndiwowola…. This bill is not for a particular party… it is for Malawi 4 better Malawi….. Amene sakufuna azakhala mmakomo mwao
It seems u do not lead the bible or you dont have one…. from time immemorial Men of God have been there to direct leaders/nations where necessary… Lesson you can learn from is that those leaders/nations who where stuborn had a catastrophic end… This is what will happen to your party if not careful
You have a big job to do my brother. You cant change someones mind with this stupid piece of writing. Tikukamatcha basi. Its for malawi not your dumb brothers in government. Wash your face and see clearly.
Old habits die hard!
Taivomerezeni billoyo a mipingo mydzakhumudwa DPP itamenya landsllide. Inu mukuona ngati kuti pheeeku DPP ilibe support?
Nicholas Dausi timachenje ukulandilato ndi tochita nato befu