Golden Gate Memorial school donates to a child with albinism
Standard Seven students of Golden Gate Memorial School in Lilongwe have donated assorted items to Peter Katayeni, a one and half year-old albino and physically challenged child as part of their charity work.

The items included five bags of maize, cloths, blanket, cooking oil, soap and cash amounting to K56,000.
Acting Principal for Golden Gate Memorial School, Albert Dinginya said the donation was derived from a standard seven syllabus which has a topic on Life Skills called ‘Helping Vulnerable Groups’.
Out of this, he said students are supposed to be taught about helping underprivileged children as practical work of what they learn.
“Most of the times schools take this as theory and they just do it in the classroom. But now this school has actually taken it further whereby students are practically going out to help the needy,” said Dinginya.
He said the whole issue started when teachers had given the learners an assignment to go out to the community and identify people who are less privileged.
He said: “It happened that one of the children brought the case of this little boy who happens to be an albino. And with what is happening to people with albinism in the country, the teachers thought it wise to come in and help,” said Dingiya.
He disclosed that the Director for Golden Gate Memorial School, Mrs Matinga was also touched when she heard the news of this little boy to the extent that she offered free education to the boy starting from nursery school, school uniform and other necessities.
“Right now the boy is going to be enrolled in baby class up to the time he finishes his primary education,” he said.
Currently the baby class tuition fees is at K65,000 per term, and with school uniform and stationary it goes up to K96,000.
Dinginya therefore appealed to well-wishers to come in and help the boy and other people who are in such situations.
The Learners Representative, Horace Kwalimba said he was very happy for his school and fellow standard seven learners who decided to fundraise for the cash and items for the needy child.
He said the kid could grow up to become a leader of this country which could bring a lot of blessings to their school.
“It is not that we have completely done everything, we have just shown the way so that other organizations can take part in helping this child,” he said.
He concurred with the Acting Principal that after the lesson in question, the learners with the help from their teachers decided to fundraise and do what they learnt practically.
“Of course there are a lot of people who were identified during our discussions but we targeted this child because of two reasons, firstly; he has a condition of albinism and secondly can’t use his hand properly,” explained Kwalimba.
A mother to the child, Patricia Katayeni expressed gratitude towards the donation saying it would assist them a lot in their day to day life.
“I was receiving a lot of insults from different people because of my child. On the other hand my husband is not employed; by that it was very hard for us to feed our family,” she said.
She thanked the owner of Golden Gate for registering her child with Golden Gate Memorial School saying this should not stop from there but rather be extended to other people who are also less privileged.
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