Goodall says DPP cares for north Malawi: Parliament approves K22bn loan for Mzimba water project

People of Mzimba will soon have potable water after parliament unanimously approved a K22 billion loan for a comprehensive water and sanitation project.

Finance Minister Gondwe
Finance Minister Gondwe

This means the government will now borrow K11 billion from OPEC European Bank repayable in 20 years and another K11 billion from the African Development Fund repayable in 40 years with a 10 years grace period.

Minister of Finance Goodall Gondwe said the water project will benefit 48000 people while the sanitation project will benefit 31000 people in the largest district in Malawi.

Gondwe said Mzimba has one water tank with a 250 cubic metre water capacity saying the new project will see new pipes laid down with several tanks with a capacity of over 6000 cubic metre water capacity.

The Finance Minister described as childish suggestions by some members of parliament who said the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government was marginalising the northern region in development programmes.

“We are constructing the Njakwa road. There was nothing that was done during the two years we were out of government,” said Gondwe indirectly hitting at People’s Party members of parliament who mostly lead the assault on DPP for allegedly marginalising the northern region.

Gondwe said as a cabinet minister from Mzimba, he always champions for development activities in the north.

“This government cares for the north more than the government that was here two years ago, I am concerned about developments in the north than anyone else,” he said.

When told he was out of order for being too political, Gondwe said in Tumbuka, “waniyambira ntcheni.”

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Binton wakale
8 years ago

Kumwerako tazilamulirani vuto palibe koma komweko mukumvetsa chisoni koposa dera lina lili lonse mudzikoli mudziwe.Ku Nsanjeko pakadali pano odwala akupempha zokudya ngakhale muma colledge ana ambiri kupempha zakudya pomwe ifeyo ot salira kulibe muchitidwewu.Visit konse ku secondary schools, colleges hospitals kulibeko.You gain one side you lose the other nature takes charge.

Wiseman nyirongo
Wiseman nyirongo
8 years ago

Abale anga akumpoto ndife ozikonda. Kodi cheni cheni tikufuna ndi chani. Chitukuko kapena kapena utsogoleli. M utsogoleli mwini ndi mulungu malawi ndi modzi. One president at a time. Tikakhala ndi nsanje mulungu satidalitsa

Koma Kumeneko
Koma Kumeneko
8 years ago

Gondwe is patriotic thats what i can say.

8 years ago

Goodall makhalamba muthandiza malawi muka nsika pansi, ma tenga mpando za FM kwacha akugwa everyday, inflation kukwera mthu wanu ndi dzimbiri muka puma ku mudzi

8 years ago

Tired of hearing North, North , North! Hey give us a break. ATumbuka make your country if you think an investment in Central region by Malawi Government doesn’t belong to Malawi, but pipo in the center. Shupiti!

ganganinga duwe
8 years ago

stupid pple like stupid coments example (tumbuka will not rule this country who told u? behave urself )fucking crazy

Mapazi asiyana
Mapazi asiyana
8 years ago

Are the comments based on Goodalls statement? Surely,something is wrong with us… Just wish to applaud government for this project that will benefit people of Mzimba. People will shower a lot of insults at Goodall and DPP,but surely its because they have decided to close their eyes and ears, and open their mouth without understanding issues.. If really the North is not benefiting,the Mzimba is in the Centre and the Njakwa Road is in Thyolo

George Kamanga
George Kamanga
8 years ago

Gondwe you the most foolish and stupid old man. You think we can clap hands as you do to these dogs in DPP. No how many years will pass we only believe and trust that only God will fight for northerners. Even in our history you will never be included because you are a gangster, murderer, morster and criminal as your fellow DPP followers. No one from the central or south have wished northerners good just the same as the NAZIs who have never and will never wish the Israelites the best. Goodall you are are greedy person and you… Read more »

Mchekulu Munyinu
Mchekulu Munyinu
8 years ago

Amdala Kayiwonanga, ndimo mwana Brian Banda wakamufumbilani kuti mukhale pasi pawuli? Mwachekula. Anhenani sonu nadi mukuti tiwonge pa mulimo uwo bazukulu bithu bizamkulipila ngongole? Nthena imwe na banyinu ba DPP mwibengepo pa K22 billion apo.

8 years ago

Inu a Gule # 23
Inu mukuti mtumbuka sazalamulila. Inu nomwe mukuti a tumbuka akuphanga zintchito zanu kwanu. Ndiye akulamulira nzake ndi ndani?

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