Health centre remains closed after nurse arrest over sexual misconduct
A health centre in Dedza remains closed after the arrest of its midwifery nurse for allegedly sexually abusing a pregnant woman.

Officials in the area said people around Kafere dispensary, located near Dzalanyama forest which borders Mozambique have to walk a long distance to Mitundu to seek medical attention.
A midwifery nurse, Supriano John was arrested this week after allegedly sexually abusing a pregnant woman who had gone to the government run health facility for medical attention.
Chairman of the dispensary John Chilambe asked authorities at Dedza district hospital to send another team of medical personnel as the midwifery nurse remains in custody.
But spokesperson for Dedza district hospital Mwai Liabunya said a medical assistant who is based at the dispensary is away attending a workshop.
He said the medical assistant would be returning to the hospital in just a few days time saying therefore there was no need to send another team of medical personnel.
The midwifery nurse remains in custody pending trial.
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