Kabwila and Namalomba: Spare Us the Drama, We Need Solutions, Not Soap Operas

If there’s one thing Malawians don’t need right now, it’s a masterclass in how to turn political noise into an Olympic sport. Enter MCP’s Jessie Kabwila and DPP’s Shadric Namalomba, our self-appointed headline-grabbers-in-chief, not the chosen party spokespersons, who seem to believe that the nation’s most pressing crisis is a lack of their press briefings and statements. Spoiler alert: it’s not.


In one corner, we have Jessie Kabwila, a perpetual crusader against imaginary dragons, wielding accusations of coercion in the DPP as though they are Excalibur itself.

Her recent tirade against the nomination of Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika as the DPP presidential candidate was less of a political critique and more of an audition for a dramatic monologue competition. She’s so focused on stirring controversy that one wonders if she’s forgotten the actual issues Malawians face—like rising costs of living, joblessness, and crumbling public services.

Meanwhile, in the other corner stands Shadric Namalomba, who appears to believe that the solution to Malawi’s challenges is to pen statement after statement condemning the MCP while waxing poetic about his party’s “integrity” and “commitment.” Namalomba’s verbose proclamations would be impressive if they contained even a shred of actionable insight. Instead, they read like the political equivalent of an endless WhatsApp chain message—loud, annoying, and ultimately useless.

Together, Kabwila and Namalomba have mastered the art of distracting Malawians from meaningful dialogue. Instead of engaging in debates about how to address economic hardships, youth unemployment, or the relentless devaluation of the Kwacha, they’ve made it their mission to dominate the airwaves with hollow rhetoric.

Here’s an idea for both of them: why not channel all that energy into organizing town halls to discuss how we can stabilize the economy or improve governance?

Or perhaps they could collaborate on a bipartisan initiative to tackle corruption, which has drained Malawi’s coffers dry. But no, that would require actual work—and let’s be honest, the press statement machine is much easier to operate.

Malawians are exhausted. We don’t want press releases; we want policies. We don’t need more accusations; we need accountability. Kabwila and Namalomba, your theatrics are neither entertaining nor helpful. It’s time to step off the stage and join the rest of us in grappling with the real issues.

So, please, for the love of all that is holy, spare us your endless press statements. Malawians deserve better than this soap opera of egos. Leave the drama at the door and start leading where it matters—in finding real solutions to our shared challenges.


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