Kenyan jailed in Malawi for being illegal immigrant
Lilongwe Magistrate Court Thursday sentenced a 42 year old man identified as Francis Kamara of Kenya to six months Imprisonment with Hard Labour for illegally entering Malawi which is contrary to Section 36, Subsection 1 of the Immigration Act.
Police Prosecutor Cecelia Zanganga told the court that the accused committed the crime on February 15, 2018 at Songwe boarder in Karonga District where he attempted to enter the country without a passport.
Principal Magistrate Chisomo Msokera described the case as a serious one, attracting a maximum sentence of 12 months IHL or a penalty fee of MK20, 000.
“The act is a misdemeanor as manifested by its maximum fine of MK20, 000 or a jail sentence of 12 months,” said Msokera.
The accused pleaded guilty to the charge. However, his Defence Counsel (DC) requested the court to be lenient with him, saying it was first time for him to commit the crime and that he had pleaded guilty to the charge leveled against him.
However, the state said the court should impose a meaningful sentence despite the accused being first offender, arguing that offences of illegal immigrants are rampant in the country.
Principal Magistrate Msokera, therefore, sentenced Kamara to six months Imprisonment with Hard Labour to commence on the date of his arrest.
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Release him this is nonsense….he is an African brother…the worst is to deport him..we have alot of illegal immigrants because our borders are porous…crack down on Indians not our African brother
Kenyans are a reason why TZ can’t start a war with us. The Kamuzu / Kenyatta connection.
Release him
Guys, zomwe tikulembazi anthu amawelengatu….
Is MK20,000 fine equal to 12 months imprisonment. What are our MPs doing about Malawi laws? This is one of the major issues that they should be deliberating in Parliament and amend the laws made by the colonial government, but all they do is get allowances and go spend nights with prostitutes at Bwandilo and Chigwiri.
Just deport him