Legislator Ben Phiri emphasizes the need for skilled young people in Africa to reduce unemployment

Chairperson of African Parliament on Population and Sexual Reproductive Health Ben Phiri has emphasized the need for African nations to empower young people with skills if the nations are to reduce unemployment.

Phiri made the remarks on Thursday in Lilongwe during the Population and Development Parliamentary and Policy Forum as part of the 9th African Population Conference which is underway in Lilongwe.

He said unskilled labour has created problems in African nations where majority of youths are not employed.

“Unemployment is high in our nations because most youths have no skills since no industry can employ unskilled labour. As Parliamentarians we want to have agreed to do something to makesure that our youths have skills and are employed within our nations,” he said.

Phiri believed that for any country to grow it must have plans for labour force citing example of industrialization which needs skilled labour.

Therefore, he added, Investment in education, health, agriculture, climate change and other sectors is very important to grow the economies.


Parliamentarian from Uganda, Judith Peace Achan, stressed the importance of skilling the youths in African nations.

“With skills, nations will be able to create more jobs for our youths as well as retaining our human capital within,” she said.

Achan said African nations have agreed to implement the skilling of youth agenda to allow young people work in various sectors within Africa.

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