MACRA donates computers to Community Colleges

Malawi Communications and Regulatory Authority (MACRA) has donated 50 computers and printers to President Peter Mutharika’s initiative on Community Colleges.

Mutharika welcoming Macra official
Mutharika welcoming Macra official
Macra boss Kumbatira speaking at Kamuzu Palace
Macra boss Kumbatira speaking at Kamuzu Palace

The computers and printers will be distributed to 11 completed community colleges across the country.

Speaking after receiving the donation, President Peter Mutharika said Monday in Lilongwe that the donation will promote Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) among youths in the colleges.

“ICT is a real driver of economic growth in the country. Many countries in Asia and some in Africa like Uganda have developed fast because of technology,” he said.

He said Malawi should do the same by embracing technology for the growth of its economy.

Minister of Information, Tourism and Culture, Kondwani Nankhumwa said the nation can not develop without putting issues of ICT as a priority.

“ICT is the key that can drive the economy therefore taking it to colleges is imperative as it will allow youths to acquire skills  for the development of the country,” he said.

MACRA Director General Andrew Kumbatira said the body will continue to give out ICT equipment to the remaining 17 colleges.

“Apart from the computers, the body will put internet in all colleges so that they are connected to the world,” he said.

Community Colleges is an initiative of President Peter Mutharika.

Currently the International Labour Organisation (ILO) has partnered with government to pilot the project for Africa.

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This Is Malawi.
This Is Malawi.
9 years ago

CEO protecting his job. Remember Nankhumwa, he was warned three times that he can lose his for failing to open Umodzi Park. Why not just fire him.

9 years ago

Koma mukut za macommunity colleges zipindula eti?paja mwati Creating jobs 4 de youths?Ayi tilipo,bola zisazasandutsidwe momwera mowa mtsogolomo zitakanika.vuto ku mw evry leader initiates his/her program @ de expense of the tax payer,akachoka wina kuthesa nkuyambitsa ake whether yabwino or yoipa i.e.from mudzi transformation to malata subsidy next will be nyumba initiative.’quote my words’

Liberal democrats
9 years ago

The MACRA funds are our taxes , these should as well go to the National budget for allocation…….this country is so upside down and we wonder why we can’t fund our own budget……!

9 years ago

Macra,you know the colleges that you want to donate to so why go to the useless president? Go to those colleges and donate.

enala chipandwe
enala chipandwe
9 years ago

MACRA a parastatal handing over 50 computers to govt and it takes the whole pres to receive them. The president, Min of information, his PS, MACRA management and board members all getting out of office kukalandila 50 computers, seriously?

Then is the problem of parastatals dying to ‘impress’ boma. Should MACRA really, a regulator be allowed to keep some of the licence fees etc to spend at its own volition because these folks are not in profit-making like ESCOM or the water boards. zapa Malawi.

9 years ago

Whats the logic here!!?? MACRA is a public institution. Community colleges are public institutions. The President is in public office. All funded by tax payers. Funded by Malawians, the public. My friends. I am not talking abouth these computers or the said colleges. Iam just wondering about the logic behind this public institution through a public official to a public institution. What is the logic?. I mean, the bottom line is, these are public funds. Why does Parliament not just approve “such” . There is a dangerous gap being created here. This tendency is beggining to take shape. Perhaps not… Read more »

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