Malawi judge Usiwa-Usiwa overwhelmed with congratulatory messages: Posted to Mzuzu High Court
Newly appointed judge Nyakwawa Usiwa Usiwa has promised to work hard following his appointment on Thursday as High Court judge.

In a rare radio interview, Usiwa Usiwa said he was overwhelmed with congratulatory messages in social media, an indication that the expectation from people was high.
“I am really humbled, I might be the first judge to receive such congratulatory messages after an appointment,” he said.
President Peter Mutharika appointed Usiwa Usiwa on Thursday as judge just a few weeks after the death of George Bakuwa.
Officials from the High Court say Usiwa Usiwa will be sent to Mzuzu High Court along with another newly appointed judge Dorothy De Gabrielle
They will be replacing judges Dingiswayo Madise and John Chirwa who are deployed to Lilongwe with effected from 1 January, 2017.
Mzuzu High Court has been with one judge for many years slowing down the hearing of cases. Justice Chirwa was deployed from Blantyre to Mzuzu to help meet the demand for justice in the Northern Region
Before his appointment, Usiwa Usiwa was registrar of the High Court.
Usiwa-Usiwa a graduate of the University of Malawi had joined media profession after he first graduated at Chancellor College. He worked with Times Group (formerly Blantyre Newspapers Limited) for s short stint before he enrolled back at Chancellor College for a law degree.
He then joined the judiciary starting as a Magistrate before rising through the ranks.
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