Malawi new Accountant General hired: Chrighton Chimombo
The Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC) has appointed Chrighton Chimombo as new Accountant General replacing William Matambo who has been in office for about two years and has since moved back to Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM).

Matambo was hired as Accoutant General in 2015 when he replaced Thomas Makiwa who had been in office for about 18 months.
Spokesman in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development, Davis Sado, confirmed the appointment of Chimombo.
Chimombo is an accountant by professioned and worked at Government Contracting Unit as financial specialist.
His LindedIn profile says he is a Chartered Accountant and holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Accountancy from the University of Malawi.
Just recently, government redeployed several controlling offices, among them Principal Secretary for the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development, Erica Maganga moved to Information as PS.
Maganga replaced Justin Saidi at Information who is now moving to the Ministry of Education as Principal Secretary.
Controller of Agriculture Services, Gray Nyandule Phiri, will replace , Maganga.
The shake-ups of PSs in the civil service has also seen PS Bright Kumwembe relocated to the Ministry of Energy in the same position.
Secretary for Human Resources Blessings Chilabade has been redeployed to the Ministry of Labour. He has since been replaced with Hillary Chimota.
Ku ACB kwapita Mulomwe winanso ……
Si mulomwe wina uyu? paja dpp
takulandilani abwana chimombo accountant general koma choyamba muone ma regional treasury cashiers makamaka southern region region treasury cashier musinthe utsogoleri wapa menepo because ntchito ikuwakanika a regional Treasury cashier mrs janet s phiri ma cheque akuchedwa kutuluka ntchito yaima ife ama cost centres tikudandaula kwambiri komanso uyu mati edith tandwe accountant mumchotsepo akuonononga ndalama za pension administration kwambiri mubweretse mnzibambo asinthe ma poor services because panopo zinthu sizili bwino ayi.