Malawi rapper ‘Born Chriss’ escapes jail term with community service: Convicted for insulting modesty of a woman

Rapper Born Chriss has avoided a jail sentence and was instead ordered to do community service after being convicted by Blantyre Chief Resident Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday for insulting the modesty of songbird Kwin B.

Born Chirss convicted but escapes jail sentence
Kwin B: Complainant

Chief resident magistrate Simeon Mbeza sentenced the singer – real name James Kathumba – to 12 months imprisonment, but suspended the sentence because he pleaded guilty.

Instead the court ordered him to do 480 hours community service at Ndirande Health Centre.

He was arrested on February 2 for his song ‘Kwin B Diss’ which portrays the female rapper as promiscuous.

The artist aged 26, appeared in court to answer charges of insulting the modesty of a woman

He was arrested by Nancholi Police following a complaint from Bertha Lomoti, Kwin B, 25, that her 25, that the song puts her to shame.

Appearing before the Blantyre Chief Resident Magistrate Court on Wednesday, Born Chriss pleaded guilty and admitted the charge of insulting the modesty of a woman contravenes Section 137 of the Penal Code.

Assistant Superintendent Boyson Yamungo, prosecuting, pleaded for a stiff punishment, saying lyrics that demean women are becoming widespread in the country. He argued that anyone, including musicians, need to treat women with the respect they deserve.

But Born Chriss, who earlier claimed that he, had released the song for fun, pleaded with the court for non-custodial sentence.

“If you send me to prison, my future will be doomed. I may not have access to education,” he said.

Chief Resident Magistrate, Simeon Mbeza handed the suspended jail sentence taking into consideration the artist’s plea and mitigations that he is a first offender and still in school, therefore, giving him a custodial sentence would interfere with his education.

“The court has weighed all the options from the prosecution to the mitigation and arrived at a determination that sending the convict to jail would spell doom to his future as he may not have access to education,” observed Mbeza.

However, Mbeza sentenced the accused to 12 months imprisonment with hard labour but the sentence was suspended to 480 hours of community service.

Born Chriss hails from Fulatira Village, Traditional Authority Makwangwala in Ntcheu.

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6 years ago

This is a clear indication that these muthafuckas are not ready to embrace hip-hop music. Beef is an integral part of relations within hip-hop. You don’t go running to the police with your tail between your legs, crying “Uyu wanditukwana”. This woman is shaming the game.

Hlabezulu Ngonoonda
Hlabezulu Ngonoonda
6 years ago

The name should read Chief Resident Magistrate, Simeon Mdeza.

6 years ago

What does insulting modesty of woman mean? most women have no modesty and they insult themselves? Courts should be careful in the way they are responding to these issues.

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