Misa Malawi query Mtumodzi hiring as director of information: ‘Recruitment must follow the law’

Media Institute of Southern Africa (Misa) Malawi Chapter  has observed that while  Tonse Alliance led government is attempting to correct irregular appointments and recruitment of public officers, it will also be critical that the same measure is applied across the board as some officers are being appointed in the very manner others removed were recruited – which is like moving in circles.

Kazako: It is important to ensure that laws were being followed
Ndanga: Seek equity with clean hands
Mtumodzi: Hired as director of information

In a statement, Misa Malawi Chairperson Teresa Ndanga said the media watchdog is concerned that the  Tonse Alliance government is not following through with commitment it made on following laid down procedures in hiring public officers.

The organisation criticised the recruitment of Chikumbutso Mtumodzi as director of information in the Ministry of Information, “when the vacancy was never advertised nor was there a competitive recruitment process.”

Minister of Information Gospel Kazako is on record to have said the new administration was committed to ensuring that recruitment procedures were being followed.

Kazako said after termination of contracts for the then director of information and his deputy  Mzati Nkolokosa and Deogratias Mmana respectively that it was important to ensure that laws were being followed when employing people into the public service, saying political colours should never be a qualification for anyone to get a job in government.

Misa Malawi argue that authorities should stand on moral high ground to seek equity with clean hands.

“We, therefore, find the hiring of new public officers without following the due process unfortunate and a betrayal to Malawians. MISA Malawi fears the trend may creep into other media bodies such as the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) and Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) which have been equally abused in the past.

“Ministry of Information, MBC and MACRA are statutory institutions with well laid down recruitment procedures and government must let those procedures guide recruitment processes.

Freedom of expression and media freedom thrive where public bodies responsible for the media are free from any form of political interference including recruitment of officers,” reads the statement from the organisation.

Misa Malawi has since urged the  Tonse government to stick to the law in recruiting officers.

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4 years ago

Alliances are good in as far as winning votes is concerned however things start getting nasty when other members of the grouping make demands that are not in accordance with set rules. Hiring of Mtumodzi, possibly for appeasement,would appear to be a typical example

4 years ago

We replaced one pile of shit with another, just different smell

Nyakwawa che nyaxxy
Nyakwawa che nyaxxy
4 years ago

1 term president. You heard it here first. Salimba. Shall end in tears

Bob Finye
Bob Finye
4 years ago

This is a joke of government. They kicked out some public servants for being employed without following the law. They employ others also without following the law. Very funny.

Truth ambassador
4 years ago

Bwana Kadzako you are talking too much trash. Look at where you are today, is it not for party colours that you are there? You are not an MP and all over a sudden you are there, what is special about you something you want others to be denied. There is no government in this world that does not reward its supporters. Check with those advanced democracies they recruit people that can deliver their agenda not just mere qualifications. How do you recruit a highly qualified professional that will frustrate your government agendas? It’s good to recruit you as a… Read more »

Patrick Phirik
Patrick Phirik
4 years ago

This government is a disaster. They fire officers for being hired wrongly, but they hire others in the same wrong way.

Wachiona Ndani
Wachiona Ndani
4 years ago

Ine ndimadziwa kuti mu Mtumodzi muli mitu yambiri. Kodi Mtumodzi ameneyu ( or is it ” umeneu?” ) munthu wake nduja adagwidwa kuti amasunga mfuti?

Zio ine
Zio ine
4 years ago

Indeed suchbstupid decisions pain us civil servants who have worked so hard and aspire to ruse to such high positions. If interviews would be held I don’t thunk Ntumodzi can succeed. I have noted that Gospel is another useless bastard always on the road claiming allowances yet when he was at Zodiak he claimed ministers were making useless tours..Today him as minister is never in the office but always on the road and speak stupid things. Gospel is not fit for this ministry because he is stupid and drunk with ambition.

4 years ago
Reply to  Zio ine

can the nyasa times teams go around and bring analysis of how much he has received as allowances and or traveling expenses from the date Kadzako and other ministers have been appointed. we transparent and accountability. we wonder about his behaviour!

Moqtadar al Sadir
4 years ago

What is special about this crook please HE Chakwera and Chilima? This man is just another opportunist like Uladi Mussa, Salim Bagus and Frank Mwenifumbo. Musawononge mbiri with this rogue who as used to cause confusion by Bakili Muluzi with his New Dawn for Africa. There are better people out there. Don’t look at his home district of origin. Look at his character. Is he different from Lukwa and Kaomba? Did he talk good of MCP when the party was struggling in opposition? Is it UTM who have brought him? Dzana mwakatola Bagus from the septic tank. Lero Mtumodzi. Are… Read more »

4 years ago

Chonde tamafufuzani bwino zinazi musanadandaule inu a MISA. Such positions are never advertised in govt. The President appoints as per the standing procedures. We respect you, though, Ndanga for the wonderful job you do at MISA Malawi and to the media profession in general.

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