Mpinganjira to open Thomson and Barbara Mpinganjira Foundation for helping needy causes
Business mogul Thom Mpinganjira, who recently retired as chief executive officer of FDH Financial Holdings Limited, has announced plans to set up the Thomson and Barbara Foundation to help his vision of doing charity and assisting young entrepreneurs.

Mpinganjira established one of Malawi’s fastest growing business empire – FDH Bank, Discount House, FDH Money Bureau and FDH Financial Advisory Services, said the foundation will purely be philanthropy and also promote innovative ideas among the youth by providing start-up capital.
“We will be helping needy causes in areas such as health and education,” said Mpinganjira on Tuesday during his farewell event that FDH Bank plc organised in Blantyre.
Mpinganjira, a Chartered Accountant and Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA), added: “ We also want to nurture talent. You might be aware that many young people want to start businesses but they can’t access funding.”
He said the foundation, which may start with between K250 million and K300 million, will have a board responsible for assessing projects.
Mpinganjira worked for different companies including Deloitte, Blantyre Print, Mandala and National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc before setting uphis own business empire.
He was the first Malawian Stockbroker and was Chief Executive Officer of Stockbrokers Malawi Limited from 1997 to 2000.

He conceived First Discount House in 1999 while in full time employment at the Stockbrokers Malawi and Malawi Stock Exchange .
“History will remember me for leaving something that is solid. At the point of entry, we were bank number 12 but now we are bank number three in terms of market share,” Mpinganjira said.
He has handed over the mantle of leadership at his financial services organisation FDH to his son William Mpinganjira., saying he is “more than confident” in his capabilities .
Offering lessons of establishing a business empire, Mpinganjira said: “Put God first-The Bible: The Best Success Manual. All wealth comes from God, whether people accept this reality or not. God gives us the power and means to create and the opportunity to manage it for Him. He requires a spiritual return on investment (SROI).”
In his remarks, William Mpinganjira said the financial services group still has much work to do in terms of consolidating some of the progress made thus far while eyeing regional markets in the near future.
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hmmmm…..Foundation huh? Also known as money swindling foundation. This guy is a fancy crook. Period.
The Thom and Barbara Foundation should also fund the introduction of a university course teaching students about the evils of corruption.
History will also remember you for trying to bribe the judges to keep your DPP illegally in power.
Bwana, remember. Part of the money is from Malawi Savings Bank. All the best in your future undertakings
I like this guy business wise i still look up to him. Koma nthawi yachisankho anapanga zopusa
Nanunso kugwetsa dzina lanu mumatope listening to your voice one simply associates you with Angel Gabriel. Koma ka sidedish during the push for fresh presidential election. Otherwise you’re an all-round gentleman. Let your network spread to all parts of Malawi don’t Lhomwelise the activities
Komabe za bribing ma judge zija zinakuchotsani ma weight. We know kuti its because you bought MSB fraudently. The bank had more assets than what you paid. Anyway zabwino zonse uku tikudikira zaku court.
Congratulations Thom, you have handed over to your son whilst still strong and am sure you will be around to guide the son and show him the ropes. That way your son will not squander your wealth like we see most Malawian families waste the kids once the father is dead.
the handover has been fast forwarded due to the pending trial so nothing worthy congratulations unless you are a sympathizer of Thom like me.
Amandimvetsa chisoni Thom, chifukwa anayamba bwino without political connections but was misled by the selfish brother, the wife snatcher, yes you know him if not ask mr Rosa.
Are you talking about Che Brown? I didn’t know they were brothers. Thom had some very bright ideas. But there were also tell-tale signs that not all that glittered was gold. The way he acquired the MSB was shady. And the DPP regime made sure our taxes sorted out the toxic Muli loans. Those were illegal favours by any standard, and they never stopped at that. The govt accounts were moved from the other commercial banks to FDH. Any enterprising fellow who gets to be so favoured by a highly corrupt regime would be a billionaire in no time, I… Read more »