MPs warn Malawi gov’t on road contracts
Members of Parliament (MPs) have asked Government to be serious when awarding road contracts arguing some contractors have proven to be failures.
While debating on bill 14, “African Development Fund loan authorization for the rehabilitation of Mzuzu – Nkhata-bay road,” Parliamentarians bemoaned substandard work on the country’s roads.
Nick Masebo, MP for Chitipa North said for many years, it has been observed that despite government pumping a lot of resources in road infrastructure development, many of the country’s roads were of poor quality.
“Speaker sir, I would like to advise the government to be very serious when awarding road contracts, some of the people cannot do good work on our roads. We have witnessed some poor quality on roads that are very important to the country’s development,” he explained.

He added, “I come from Chitipa where everyone from this region is happy with the road that government has constructed for us. However, it is pity that barely few months after inaugurating it, graders are back filling potholes.”
Fraser Nihorya, MP for Mulanje Limbuli said it was time for government to start making follow up on every construction work taking place in the country.
“Sometimes we experience substandard work because government does not make supervision on projects being implemented,” said Nihorya adding “how can you expect someone to do good job when left unchecked.”
Minister of Finance, Dr. Ken Lipenga and Minister of Transport and Public Works, Sidik Mia promised for proper scrutiny before contacts are awarded.
Lipenga said government had also noted with great concern some substandard work done on the country’s roads even after giving contractors all the necessary support.
“We have noted that and we will take it seriously,” Dr. Lipenga said.
On his part, Mia said government would from now make routine follow ups on any road project being undertaken.
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