Netball trophy launched in Chikhwawa
A netball trophy worth K200, 000 has been launched in Chikhwawa where twenty six teams will compete for the trophy.
Sponsor of the trophy Elijah Simbi says teams from Kakoma and Kalambo zones will battle it out for the trophy.
He says currently, he has started with two zones saying that in future he wants to expand to other areas as well.

“The aim is to keep the youths busy and refrain from immoral behaviour and to expose their talents. I was motivated to introduce this netball trophy by the football tournament that I’ve successfully ran before and following a request by the girls to have their own tournament,” says Simbi.
Simbi says the next tournament will cover both primary and communities following requests from primary school head masters.
He also donated 40 bags of flour worth K200, 000 to the orphans and elderly during the launch on Sunday.
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