No challenger for Kanjala in Malawi Olympic Committee polls
Malawi Olympic Committee (MOC) president Oscar Kanjala is assured of another term of office having no challenger during the General Elections to be held at Nkopola Lodge in Mangochi next week Saturday.
However, his deputy, Flora Mwandira will have to battle it out with Basketball Association of Malawi (Basmal) Ben Mlasaanthu to retain his position of vice-president.
Incumbent Treasurer Jappie Mhnago has made the switch to challenge Secretary General Helene Mpinganjira during the elections as reported by Nyasa Times earlier.

Football Association of Malawi (FAM) Technical Director Captain John Kaputa, who is also Malawi Defence Force Sports Officer, will contest for the position of Vice-General alongside former MOC Treasurer Laurie Arthur and Swimming Association of Malawi President and seasoned sports administrator Dean Pinto.
The post was held by former Athletics Association of Malawi (AAM) General Secretary Haxon Chapasa who was expelled on disciplinary grounds.
Boxing Association of Malawi newly elected Henry Sakala is also guaranteed of a position at MOC after being the only person vying for the post of Treasurer.
Sakala was an executive member in the out-going committee alongside Jimmy Kadewere.
Ponto, who is Chairperson of MOC Marketing Commission, is also going for the position of executive member against Dennis Kumwenda of Handball Association of Malawi Secretary General and incumbent.
Athlete representative, who is also a member of the executive board, Ken Dzekedzeke is assured to retain his position.
However the nominations have conspicuously left out AAM officials.
AAM president Godfrey Phiri is surprised that his name his missing on the nominated list.
“I am not contesting on main positions. I indicated to contest for the position of executive member,” Phiri said.
AAM General Secretary Frank Chitembeya also wanted to go for the position of Vice-Secretary but his name is also missing.
A statement from MOC, signed by Administration Manager Naomi Chinatu, said the names of nominated candidates were endorsed by the association’s Judicial Commission after satisfying the requirements.
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