Prophet Bushiri takes spiritual growth to New York
Malawian born but South African based man of God, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri’s fame has grown to far places including the United States of America (USA).
Bushiri is currently in New York where he hosted the Prophetic Conference on Sunday night.
Worshippers said the venue was jam-packed hours before the man of God even stepped foot at the service.
New York Police Department (NYPD) had to deploy officers to contain the situation.
Bushiri’s arrival triggered uncontrollable loud shouts of joy among congregants, most of whom confessed that they have only read about him as he is widely covered on the internet with both positive and negative stories, but all which led to their interest to know him better and end up on Prophetic Channel, Youtube platform as well as the Facebook live broadcast.
He lived to his billing by being the ‘Major 1’ of prophecies as he is widely known.
Bushiri delivered and prophesied to more people before going into teaching.
“I am so happy Papa Major 1 for coming here. This is no longer YouTube its reality and I can’t believe it,” confessed one American lady before Major surprised her with prophesies that left her speechless.
Prophet Bushiri has become the most sought after Prophet in Africa and now his rise has broken through the continental barriers.
The man of God could not reveal if he has plans to settle in the USA but told this reporter that he is amazed with the growth of his church in US.
“This is overwhelming. I never thought I will live to see this day happening. I am just a servant of God from one of the poorest countries on earth, but here I am, taking the gospel to all corners and attracting the attention in one of the richest and powerful countries on earth. This can only be God,” said Bushiri.
Bushiri is expected to return to South Africa this week where he is expected to host Salvation Festival at his church at the Pretoria Show Grounds.
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Amen. This is good news indeed. Glory to God….
As Gamaliel in Acts 5:38 advised the Israeli,I’ll also do so here.
Amen Major……this is only God indeed. We love you!