Prophetess Mary Bushiri spoils Lawi album launch: Buys CD at K15 million
Prophetess Mary Bushiri, wife to South Africa based preacher Prophet Shepherd Bushiri, on Saturday spoiled Lawi’s album launch in Lilongwe by buying a CD at K15 million.

Making the announcement, Shepherd Bushiri Investments (SBI) communications director Ephraim Nyondo said the Prophetess, who is also the chief executive officer for SBI, is a great fan of Lawi’s music.
Beside being a fan, added Nyondo, the Prophetess also made the gesture because Lawi is a consultant for SBI and has done tremendous work in the marketing department of PSB mobile.
The second coming of Lawi has elevated the artiste an extra bar in the ladder of supremacy and excellence as testified by the amazingly captivating live concert marking the launch of his second album, Sunset In The Sky, over the weekend at the Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe.
From the stage decorations, ambience, composure, sound output and class of delivery that left an almost three quarter filled patronage glow with appreciation, Lawi successfully seized the moment to reinforce his footprint as a legendary master of his art in mature contemporary music.
The show started at 7pm as billed with Agorosso warming it up. He gave his all, his Sena jive elements in the afro sounds ignited the right mood for the highly billed and anticipated concert.
While others came to experience the Lawi charisma for the first time, others came to witness the second coming of the young man, and yes, the other lot came in as doubting Thomases to reaffirm if Lawi’s second album will be anything worth considering the high mark that was set by his maiden album. But all these saw, witnessed, experienced and came back with one story which echoes that Lawi is an artist extraordinare, an avante garde musical genius whose quality and quantity is top notch.
Dressed in this trademark Wilson hat, a sleeveless elongated afro top, a white t-shirt tucked in dungarees that were anchored on a white boot on the feet, Lawi manned the stage and gave out an amazing electric performance.
Spicing up his line up of songs with the old anthems and new ones from the 25 track Sunset In The Sky Album, the blend was simply a super dish that drove patrons in a fulfilling excitement.
Midway through Lawi’s performance, Director of Ceremony TV and Radio personality Joab Frank Chakhaza announced a voluntary purchase of the Sunset In The Sky CD despite the fact that every patron got one upon entry. Chakhaza said, the voluntary purchase was an act of appreciating Lawi for a power packed new album.
People thronged the stage to honour this purchase and had their copies autographed by Lawi right on stage. While others fished out MK5, 000 to purchase the CD, levels got higher as some dished out MK100, 000, another MK500, 000 and well, that was not all, another patron fished out MK1 million for the
The sun had set but Lawi’s music took people of different nationalities basking in the sky with his three and a half hour thrilling performance marking the launch of yet another blockbuster, Sunset In The Sky.
In an interview, Lawi’s Manager Emmanuel Maliro expressed joy for having a successful launch.
“We got the class of people we wanted, Lawi delivered and we are happy people are very excited with the new album. As we extend the footprint of Lawi, this new album will be launched in different countries across the globe. This is the music that defies geographical borders and languages,” he said.
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Words you will never hear from her… “Turn in your Bibles to 1 Timothy 2:12”
The use of the word “SPOIL” in the heading is confusing.
Is it meant to be spoil as in when you buy your child too many things and end up spoiling him?
Clarify please?
But madama Bushiris gesture in this cases is very commendable.
May God bless Malawi with may more innovative and entreprneurial citizens who are indeed the engines of development.
Njala nthendà nsànje
Wonderful mama Mary bushiri and we love you.
Mwayambapo manong’onong’ono.Lawi I hope u know the Prophetess very well,she is a woman of God&there is nothing sinister about that money.Akubwebwetawo akufuna zitakhala zawo.
This is amazing and incredible. There are more questions than answers.
Kumakondana. Tonse ndi a Malawi basi!!!
This is miracle money. Take care.
Mwati 15 MILIYONI MALAWI KWACHAaaaaaa? Ayayayaya nkhani yabwino
kikiki Mary is a Poly graduate and very outgoing.