Prostitute brutally killed at a pub in Mponela
A 48 year old prostitute has been killed in Mponela, Dowa and police say they are hunting for her assailants.
Dowa police spokesperson Kondwani Kandiado said Kavina Kapoli was found dead in a pool of blood in her room at Chisomo bar at Mponela where she plied her trade.
“Postmortem conducted at Mponela Health Centre showed that she died due to loss of blood. She had multiple stabbings in her body,” he said.
Kandiado said the police are yet to arrest her killers but investigations have started to find out who murdered her.
Kapoli came from chief M’mbelwa’s area in Mzimba.
Pls Nyasa times spare us our minds we Don’t need your traumatic stress we are not forensic police!!!!!! You don’t want your dead body disrespected do you??
But why killing a woman ??
This is sickening. Madam MISA Chairperson Theresa Temweka Ndaga, please sensitise journalists to be respectful to the dead. As commented by a colleague earlier on, what value is added to the story by publishing such a gruesome picture?
What value do your graphic images add to your stories? Don’t you have minimum standards when it comes to images?
Nothing wrong to show the pictures
You are right Allan. Some of these images are traumatizing coming with no prior warning. Nyasatimes you can do better.
Oh no remove the picture please
Please reintroduce death penalty people are no longer afraid of taking somebody’s life . Where are you members of parliament? What did we elect you for? We put you there in order make laws that will defend the lives of ordinary Malawian we can’t all go to parliament why is that every MP when is elected he/she forgets the reason why he was elected. The issue of albino people up to nothing tangible is happening. I solely concurs with what honourable Ntaba proposed sometimes back that we should bring back death penalty if we want to bring back sanity in… Read more »