TNM launches ‘Osaphweketsa’ Mpamba promotion

In a bid to reward its mobile money service, Mpamba, customers , TNM Plc is pleased to announce the launch of “ Osaphweketsa” transact and win Mpamba promotion in which its customers stand a chance of winning cash prizes totalling K9.7 million.

Makati (C) launching Osaphweketsa Mpamba promotion

Speaking during the launch of the promotion in Blantyre, TNM Chief Officer- Sales & Marketing Daniel Makata said the promotion is designed to reward Mpamba customers for their continued support to TNM Mpamba.

“The aim of Osaphweketsa promotion is to reward our Mpamba customers for contributing to the growth of Mpamba which undoubtedly is a household name when it comes to mobile money transactions,” said Makata.

Makata said the recent system upgrade on Mpamba has made the platform more reliable with better uptime and simple to access giving customers a world class experience when it comes to mobile money transactions.

“TNM Plc completed the system upgrade on February 4, 2018, ushering in a new era of mobile money transactions and other financial services on the platform. The new system is in line with TNM’s goal to invest significantly towards improving its capacities by offering customers relevant, up-to-date technology that opens up more exciting possibilities for them. Mpamba is part of the national goal of achieving financial inclusion in Malawi which will help drive economic activity for our people,” he said.

To qualify for the fortnightly and grand prizes TNM customers are required to transact with a minimum of K3, 000 or more on Mpamba.

The grand prize winner will cart home K1 million and other 2 customers will walk away with K500,000 and another 3 people getting K300,000 while five other taking K100,000 each. Fortnightly prizes include K200, 000 to 3 people, K100,000 to 5 people and K50,0000 going to 10 people and 50 customers getting K10, 000 each.

TNM is also giving out Free 3 TNM to TNM calling minutes to all customers that have not changed from the 5 digit PIN to the new 4 digit PIN once they have successfully made the change and have started transacting on Mpamba.

The promotions will run from 23rd March to 17th May 2018

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Blessings Mgolomba Kamanga

Indeed, mpamba goes a long way in improving the financial inclusion that Malawi desperately needs.

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