Tumbuka Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe dies

A Tumbuka Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe of Rumphi  has passed on after a short illness, government has confirmed.

Chikulamayembe: No more

Chikulamayembe passed on on Thursday at MZUZU Central Hospital, according to spokersperson for the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Muhlabase Mughogho.

The chief was among the few prominent and well established rulers in the northern region.

With so much honesty, respect, wisdom and bravery, he consistently made suggestions and contributions geared towards the development of the entire Northern Region.

Unlike other partisan chiefs, Chikulamayembe was calling on traditional leaders to  give equal ground to politicians to campaign freely and let their subjects make an informed choice to vote wisely in 2019 elections.

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6 years ago

May his soul rest in peace Sawira

6 years ago

We’ve lost a truthful leader & a democratic Paramount Chief nanu ambuye m’malo motenga ma Paramount ena aja mukukatenganso wakutemweka dada withu Chilera wanthu. RIP Gogo.

6 years ago

Zikanakhala bwino akanamwalira Lundu ndi Kyungu ndi Ngolongoliwa.

6 years ago

A true hero requiring a real state funeral! If all traditional leaders were as honest, objective and brave as he was Malawi would have been a better by now. . . Rest well Chikulamayembe, descendant of Gonapamuhanya!

6 years ago

It could have been Lundu, Kyungu and Ngolongoliwa.

6 years ago

ayayaya mabingu ghafipa ghagata mupoto, muchilimika chino. lufula lwa wunenesho na kwambula bina pa waliyose. tafwa nadi mubanga, kazonthi, chikulupati,muthandazgi wa wunenesho uyo wakawusanga na nthonga ya wungweru watisida. musuke mwende makora basekuru.

6 years ago

Paramount Chief wafa ndichani mwadzidzi. Asamuphe achina Vuwa and Jappie chifukwa chachilungamo chake. Nanga osadwala nanga atolankhani sanalembe chimene chapha a Mfumu kungoti afa in a short illness basi incomplete.

Alfred Minjo
Alfred Minjo
6 years ago
Reply to  MAUNITS

Tese ill wishes. Munthu asamwalire ndiye kuti wamupha ndi uje? Maganizo oipa zedi. A Malawi tataya chikhalidwe chanthu shameeee! a Media ndi a media, ask akubanja will tell you chimawabvuta amfumu athuwa…osamachita chipongwe ndi nkhani ya maliro…

6 years ago

Malawi has lost a person who should have lived longer! A great king, nonpartisan, he lived to serve not to be served, selfless and noble son of Malawi gone! RIP

Mweyeye 1
6 years ago

what a loss. non-partisan, respected. A man with integrity, rest in eternal peace. I wish Kyungu had a chat with him so as to learn from his leadership style. osangosusuka zilizonse. wakutikhozga soni kyungu

6 years ago

Rest well gogo

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