UDF’s first lady hopeful Angella compliments Atupele’s messaging of ‘new beginning’ in rural hinterland
She may have looked as a reticent political spouse but Angella Muluzi, wife to United Democratic Front (UDF) presidential candidate Atupele Muluzi, has been one of the most formidable voices of the campaign in the run up to May 21 Tripartite Elections, engaging the electorate on the ground in mostly rural areas.
Angella, who once served as a parliamentarian from 2004 to 2009 in Blantyre at the age of 21, hasn’t just complement her husband’s messaging of ‘new beginning’ — she influences it for the better where she has been preaching good choice of leadership as a panacea to the challenges the country is facing .
“In life people make choices and it is these choices which determine our success or failures in life,” said Angella as she campaigned for the UDF torchbearer.
She stressed that wrong political choices can bring problems to the country and persuaded people not to despair due to the problem they are facing as a result of wrong political choices but take advantage of the Tuesday elections to elect good leaders who will bring real transformation.
Angela, the former legislator, took time to justify why Atupele accepted to serve as a Cabinet minister in the current administration.
She said that Malawi is one of the countries where people take political difference too personal such that it becomes an issue when people of different political parties work together serving their country.
“Malawi is bigger that our political parties. There must be times when we should burry our differences and work together,” she said.
She said Atupele was simply serving the country and will also invite others who are capable in his government regardless of which political parties they are affiliated to.
During her tour Angela has visited, Blantyre, Chikwawa, Phalombe, Balaka , Zomba and Mangochi districts in rural hinterland.
Monkey see monkey do. Mary uvulazitsa anthu. Atupele akufunitsitsa APM atawina sono anthu amene mutakavotere udf mu kungoononga vote. Instead of wasting your vote go give it to UTM/DPP/MCP. Uyu angokuonetsani uchitsiru. Too tooo late.
Mwachedwa, munalikuti??? mumadya za DPP??
Vote Atupele for President and Malawi is assured of tranquility , good governance and commitment to development of all religions
Atupele is the firm and real deal for Malawi given the candidates at play
Vote UDF into Gvt
God bless Malawi!!!
UDF has my vote.
Atupele likely to lead the pack with about 46% of the presidential vote
No party will win with more than 45% of the vote: DPP 32%, MCP 30%, UTM 28% and UDF 10%
Ndalama zomwe mukuononga apa mukadaika ku bank and earn interest. UDF committed political suicide by joining DPP.
Malawians are tired of UDF
We want a new name now
Uyu ndi bilimankhwe,kwinaku UDF kwinaku DPP,bwino nayetu uyu osamutenga m’boma la Chakwera akhoza kumadzachita ukazitape.
When you are married to a clown………………………..