Yona Malunga not seeking re-election as Wanderers top fan
Mighty Wanderers chief supporter, Yona ‘Green’ Malunga has called it quits by declaring he is not contesting in the forthcoming club’s elections following revelations that he feels he has not done enough to contain violence involving his team.
Malunga confessed he is no longer interested to contest in the polls because among other things he feels he has failed the club by not containing violence the club has experienced on a number of occasions.
“I feel l failed my club because of the violence which we experienced in Balaka and Kamuzu Stadium. Sometimes it is better to accept when things have fallen apart,” he said.

The Nomads supporters are scheduled to go to the polls on March 13 according to the club’s board of trustee’s decision while Malunga insists the elections will be conducted on Thursday or Saturday.
The flamboyant Nomads top fan confirmed on Wednesday that he is not contesting in any position.
“I am no longer interested to continue as the Nomads chief supporter because l also want to concentrate on my businesses,” he said. Malunga runs a take-away and other businesses in Zingwangwa location in Blantyre.
Malunga however, insisted will remain a dedicated Nomads fan.
“I will continue patronizing and supporting my team because it is in my blood,” clarified Malunga.
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