Chilima-for-presidency movement hold meetings in DPP stronghold Lhomwe-belt

Some ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) officials have been conducting meetings in the party’s stronghold, the Lhomwe belt  to garner support for Vice-President Saulos Chilima to be allowed to contest for presidency at the party convention.

DPP supporters backing Chilima at a mett8ng in a Mulanje on Tuesday
Chilima with DPP Secretary General Jeffrey
Dr Ben Chidyaonga: Convention should be transparenty, free and credible

National director of logistics Dr Ben Chidyaonga said  they support the calls for Chilima to lead the DPP in 2019 elections because he feels the Veep can move the nation out of poverty.

He was  speaking to people who they engaged in Mulanje South West and Limbuli constituencies.

Chidyaonga said people in both constituencies are of the view that a DPP  elective convention, held in transparent manner, without brandishing of pangas , would help address leadership challenges the party is grappling with.

DPP regional organising secretary for the South Henry Matemba said the grassroots are embracing the wind of change of leadership, saying party leadership should not live in denial but “they need to reflect.”

He said: “We cane to hear them out and also clarify that we want a convention that is free for all. No candidate  should be imposed on us.”

Mulanje South Constituency governess Odetta Jamali said the grassroots want Chilima to replace Mutharika and that if that is not ideal for the President, “let there be a convention that is inclusive. Chilima and everybody else who want to contest for the presidency should not be blocked.”

Directorof women for DPP in Mulanje Limbuli Constituency , Elifa  Mthaliwa, said they are in support to have Chilima as DPP torchbearer.

DPP secretary general Greselder Jeffrey said in an interview she was not aware of the meetings.

While Chilima has not commented on the issue, Mutharika has since declared he will seek re-election.

Former first lady Callista Mutharika sparked the revolution when she said Mutharika, currently 79 years old, would be too old to carry on as he would be 84 at time of leaving office in 2024 if re-elected next year.

Political analyst George Phiri from the University of Livingstionia has warned that continued bickering in the DPP may end up killing the party.

Mzuzu-based analyst Emily Mkamanga warned that failure to open up the system could be a recipe for chaos.

“If they will not allow people to compete for the presidency, that will be the end of DPP. There will be a lot of noise, chaos, and some may even get injunctions stopping the whole process. Let the party open up, and people should compete.

“Mutharika himself must stand up and be man enough to face anyone who wants the presidency,” she said.

Finance and Economic Planning Minister Goodall Gondwe said running the President’s office and government affairs is serious business that requires the old who have experience and not “babies” who are novices on State matters.

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winston msowoya
winston msowoya
6 years ago

On behalf of Malawians in the US-CAN,we strongly support Chilima’s candidacy for the coming general elections in 2019.Time has come for Malawians to elect real readers and not opportunists and tribalists who have vigilantly and crookedly destroyed our dear mother Malawi for their own interests.We stand imovavably behind real and honest leaders who will lead on behalf of our people to better and progressive future.Malawians,have you so soon forgotten what Bingu Wa Muthalika had done to our country and that his brother,is following the same trend.Where did these two rogues come from and how foolish 17 million Malawians are to… Read more »

Timvê ziti
Timvê ziti
6 years ago

Kodi APM atangonena poyera kuti running mate wake a khala Chilima sindiye kuti nkhani yatha. Chikuvuta ndi kuti pali ambiri a kufuna u running mate.

6 years ago

People are trying all sorts of ways to mislead Chilima, and in so doing, damage DPP chances of winning in 2019. The questions these misguided people can’t answer are: why is MCP not being led by a southerner or northener. Why then should DPP be led by someone from the central region. By the way, why can’t Chilima get out of DPP and form his own party if his popularity is REALLY up.

Viva Ndau
Viva Ndau
6 years ago

Osati these fearful and greedy Ntcheu MPs. Anzanu konse konse akufuna Chilima and u are bought to rise against your own. Dyera. Ndalama mwapasidwazo zooona rejecting your own brother?
Mulanje and Thyolo says no to Pitala but you say otherwise.
You are deliberately giving your membership to MCP.
It seems you agreed to systematically cheat DPP to superficially support Peter. Mumayitha.

6 years ago

As per DPP’s constitution any good standing card-carrying DPP member is free to raise his hand for nomination as a torch bearer or indeed any leadership position with the party. I don’t understand why this matter is getting out of control. If indeed Peter is the ideal leader to take DPP forward then DPP senior members are free to make their voice heard via free & fair voting process as prescribed by the DPP constitution. What is Peter afraid of or better still, what are Peter’s cronies afraid of.

6 years ago

tiye nazoni. zili bwino

6 years ago

Ayi ziliko Ku DPP. Ku convention kumeneko zikatha bwino?

Che Wanimiliyoni
Che Wanimiliyoni
6 years ago

We are tired of this story now. my DPP friends mwiniwake wachipani akuti ayimira nde inu mungankanize? Akongresi asakuputsitseni nzaChilimazo iwo wao Chakwera anapikisana ndi ndani? Ndetu let me open your eyes pang’ono: if APM is defeated at the convention he will start his own party and automatically it will be a rulling party leaving DPP kuopposition and APM diehards will flock there enmasse.

6 years ago

Kodi stronghold ya chipani cha DPP iri mu chigawo chiti cha dziko lino? Kodi Chilima amachokera chigawo chiti? With tribalism and regionalism deeply rooted in this country, is it possible for DPP to win an election with Chilima as its torch bearer?
Those in support of Chilima may be they just want to destroy the DPP and pave way for another party to take over the government.
Those who are busy campaigning for Chilima in the South know very well that southerners can never vote for Chilima without Peter’s endorsement.Their aim is to destroy the DPP

6 years ago
Reply to  UDZUDZU

This mindset is the one we need to deal with. Bingi in his second term got almost 67% of notional vote. Voted by Malawians of all regions

6 years ago
Reply to  UDZUDZU

There’s completely no wisdom in this writting, u wasted ur time writting this trash

6 years ago

Zikafika apa timati madzi achita katondo kapena kuti ng’ombe zayang’ana kungolo.Viva DPP,Viva SKC,Viva Democracy!!

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