DEPECO announces convention set for June to pick torchbearer for Malawi 2019 elections
The newly launched political party Democratic Peoples’ Congress (DEPECO) has announced that it will hold its first ever convention in June this year to elect office bearers the leadership contest whose winner is going to be its torchbearer in the next year’s Tripartite elections.

The party’s interim leader Chris Daza is the front runner in to take the presidency of Depeco.
Apparently on vice presidency names being floated includes James Chatonda Kaunda, who is currently deputy secretary general in MCP.
Depeco Publicity Secretary Ernest Maganga confirmed that the party is preparing for the elective national conference in June
“We plan to go for a convention in June, God willing. You know people in the party are holding the positions on a temporary basis, so the convention will help to legitimise them,” he said.
Maganga also revealed that at the convention the party will announce “a grand plan” and demonstrate how DECEPO plans to run affairs of the State differently once voted into power.
The Depeco spokesman, however, said the party is still holding consultations on the convention venue and actual dates of the elective conference will be announced in due course.
“But the venue will likely be either in Blantyre or Lilongwe. The nation will be informed once the consultations are through,” he said.
Over the past two months, DECEPO officials have been criss-crossing the country holding public rallies.
The party held rallies in Nsanje as far as Fatima, Nthalire in Chitipa, Edingeni in Mzimba, Bolero in Rumphi, Mayani in Dedza as well as in Dowa and Kasungu.
Maganga said the rallies were meant to introduce top leadership of the party to grass roots structures.
“We had very successful rallies across the country with huge turnout wherever we went. The party has been establishing grass root structures and it is these structures that requested to see the top leadership of the party,” he said.
Maganga said the party will continue with its “underground work” in setting up grass root structures until the campaign time.
Daza introduced the new party to Malawians at a rally in Mchinji in July 2017.
He promised Malawians that Depeco will introduce a new brand of politics and system of running affairs of State.
Daza is former Secretary General of Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and served in that position for five years.
During the period he dragged former MCP president John Tembo to court after the latter fired him for challenging his authority.
He later joined People’s Party (PP) when its founder Joyce Banda was Head of State where Daza was appointed Minister of State responsible for Governance.
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No wonder DPP is saying the opposition has nothing to offer. From MCP, DEPECO, no formidable force to unseat DPP.
Bodza ili!! Where is DPP saying the opposition has nothing to offer? Nde bwenzi president atakhala over 2 months in Blantyre kumadzala miyala? DPP yatsegula mmimba ndi MCP. In any case, that 2014 ballot was rigged, apapa munyengezela anthu ake ati? Try to rig this one and you will see Rwanda in Malawi you thieving Lhomwes. Dzideleranani ndi DEPECO yomweyo
Kodi olo u Councillor, a Daza angathe kuwina? Learn to be serious Maganga, osamangodobelera paliponse, mwakulatu, try to be relevant
This is a gathering of fools. They shoukd stop wasting our time
It is good to start a party at least you are guaranteed party presidency which you always wanted because you could not make grade in other parties. A Daza has Zero to offer the nation. Self-centred too much. Everything should be him. That’s it style.
kodi a Maganga inu ndinu ophunzira koma? how do you call for a convention to legitimize positions? how do you go out holding rallies introducing leadership which has not been legitimized? why even holding the convention when all you are going to do is stamp the current position holders? if Daza is going in without any competiotion then DEPECO is just as stupid as all these other parties. so don’t waste our time. FOOLS
Ndiponso inu a Maganga kusintha zipani ngati panti munthu wachinyamata choncho? only shows you’re an opportunist. and zipani zanunso zonse zimangoluza. olo kumpira mumangoluza.
Thus the only Malawian hope party we are tired with these thieves people were thinking that MCP could be some times better but here they comes stilling Malawian tax in parliament together with there neba sharing public funds shame to DPP and MCP go DEPECO help Malawians from these thieves we are for you go Chris Daza 2019 change every thing.
The Front doesn’t know Daza and it doesn’t need to know him. The Front however knows James Chatonda Kaunda. He was a factor manager for Likuni phala for Ekwendeni Unit from 1995 to 2004. On behalf of the other CHAM likuni phala units he collected money for supplies delivered to world food programme supported health facilities and embezzled it all without shame. The payment was meant to be distributed to member units that had made allocated deliveries. Other units St. Gabriel in Namittete, Mulanje and St. Anne in KK sued his employer (Livingstonia CCAP) who paid back the money on… Read more »
We wish you well DEPECO. Please change Malawi political landscape by putting Malawians first. Avoid the old politics of UDF, PP and DPP otherwise you’ll lose the game before you even start. The general populace are tired of empty promises from political players who have been in the game for years especially those who have jumped from one party to another with nothing to show. Being that the likely head of DEPECO is someone who has been in MCP and PP, it might just be difficult to convince populace that he (Chris Daka) has changed colours. I suggest he focuses… Read more »
Bwana Maganga tell us the truth Mr Daza cannot bring anything new. All what you are doing is politics of betterness because Daza lost presidential elections at MCP convention. You seem to convince woth DPP somehow. “ plans to run affairs of the State differently once voted into power” really?????
Mr. Daza analanda mkazi wa mwini wake, mkazi ameneyo anali wa Mr. Lipenga pa Salima Boma koma mkaziyo atawona kuti Mr. Lipenga Ndalama zatha anayamba kumuswaya mwamuna wake,kumatengana ndi amuna kumapita ku Chipoka Lodge kumatha 2 weeks ali komweko kumamunamiza mwamuna wake kuti ali ku work shop ku Blantyre kaya. Ndiye inu Mr. Daza mukuona ngati mwatenga mkazi okhulupirika ngati amamuzembera mwamuna wake inu sangakuzembereni, komanso ali ndi mwana wa mkazi wa mwamuna wakeyo, A Daza sindikuwonapo tsogolo apa kungoti behinde you pali wina wake amene akupereka dora, kaya zanu izo ine ndiri ndi chipani changa cha kumwamba.