Form 4 students take on Maneb for delaying MSCE exam results
Form 4 students, who sat for the 2020-21 Malawi School Certificate of Education Examination (MSCE) are demanding that the Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB) must release the results as soon as possible in order to enable those that will fail to re-write the examinations.

MANEB extended the registration of candidates and payment of examination fees for 2021 PSLCE, JCE and MSCE to 8th April 2021.
However, as the days are coming closer to the closing date, the students are worried that they might miss out if they fail the examinations.
Most of the students have vented their anger on MANEB’s official Facebook page.
For instance, Timot Kayange wrote:”We need MSCE results so that we can go back to school before it is too late.”
Another concerned parent, Gladwell Jarafi wrote, “Kindly release the results so that some our siblings can see their performance in order for them to decide on weather to register for a repeat or not.”
Some weeks ago, Leadership of the Independent Schools Association of Malawi, (ISAMA) president, Joseph Patel, said they were hopeful that examinations will be out before April 8th,2021, which is the deadline for registration fee.
Patel said if MSCE examinations will be out before the deadline it will enable students who will fail the exams and want to resit for the exams to have a chance.
“We implore Maneb to release the exam results so that those who would have not done well would have a chance to retake the exams,” said Patel.
Foolish students. Have you forgotten that MSCE was written in the whole month of January? Do you expect MANEB to be ready with results in just a months time? Hold your patience. Processing of results requires detail. It is too early to blame MANEB.
So the students prepared to fail?
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