Lilongwe Water Board in money splashing bonanza
Malawians have taken up on social media platforms to ask Lilongwe city council to remove a sculpture statue at the heart of the city which Lilongwe Water board erected at a cost of K30 million.

Some people feel the sculpture statue is useless and serves no purpose at the round-about of parliament/Capital Hotel.
This comes after revelations that Lilongwe Water Board paid K30 million for the sculpture statue to Gaston Arts which erected it.
Lilongwe is one of the cities facing acute shortages of water in the country.
Officials from the water board are yet to comment on the extravaganza.
Ngati pali chinthu chimene sindimachimvetsa mu Lilongwe city muno ndichimechi. LWB, what is this thing that cost us 30 million kwacha?
Chinyau cha chabechabe ngati chimene chija ndipo chingonyasisa town
How I wish there is a Competitor Board supplying clean and pure water to Lilongwe residents especially US in New Shire where we are drinking dirty muddy water every day rather than erecting those useless sculptures. I mean, for what. Use K30 million cleaning your tanks. Our lives and health are in danger for daily consumption of Lilongwe Water Board dirty water.
under wise and dynamic leadership of professor APM. zamanyazi
Misinformation at it’s best. This was erected during the DPP era and the omission to point that out is deliberately made with the aim of dragging the current administration into the mud. Be responsible when writing articles.
Apart from commenting from the story above, I have a concern that I would like officials from Nyasa times to follow if you really fight for this nation, there is Company which is mining at Chole village in Ntchisi, and to inorder to blind fold people(villagers) they brought a certain NGO by the name of ASAP which is dealing with Agriculture, and they are constructing a Tamac road, and they are telling the communities that they are doing it because the people sorounding are hard workers, but the truth of the matter is that they are mining there and they… Read more »
Oho. Ndiye kuti sanali Itayi tu
If you say some pple are saying it’s useless, who are they?, Let us stop this tendancy of writing useless articles, after all they already spent a lot of money from our taxes so just let it be, I can see no harm, why such kind of hatred, lets focus on development rather going back to
useless things, you need Change of Mind set my friend