Malawi Chess teams have faced mixed fortunes on day five of the World Chess Olympiad currently underway in Chennai, India.
The men’s side failed to avenge the 0-4 defeat suffered by the ladies team at the hands of Guatemala ladies on Monday when they too fell by 3.5 points to Guatemala men in round five of the Open Section on Tuesday evening.
Joseph Mwale, Malawi’s chess ace
Ernest Matola, aka Mangochiman drew against Fide Master Galvez Dastin Edwardo to salvage the half point for Malawi.
The result means Malawi men’s side has won two games from five games.
As the men’s side struggled against Guatemala, the ladies found solace in their afternoon/evening fixture against Guyana whom they edged by 2.5 to 1.5 points to make it two wins in five games just like the men.
Youngster Martha Kapalamula and Woman Candidate Master Ellen ‘Mai Nkulu’ Mpinganjira got full points from their Guyanese opponents with Woman Fide Master Linda Jambo getting half a point.
The tournament resumes Wednesday before taking a one day break on Thursday.