Malawians question contractor for costing tiny house, latrine at whooping K13m from CDF 

Social media is awash with questions emanating from a statement by Dunia Building Contractors demanding a payment of over K13 million for tiny house and a pit latrine at Lungwena Police in Lutende, Mangochi.

The cost of this is k13 million, really?
The letter

In a letter dated 19th June 2020, titled ‘Claim for Payment-Lungwena Police Staff House’, addressed to Mangochi District Council, Dunia Building Contractors communicates that “we have successfully completed construction of a house with a single-hole pit latrine at Lungwena police unit.”

The letter adds: “The requested amount is Thirteen Million, Three Hundred and One Thousand, Three Hundred Seventeen Kwacha, Sixty Tambala Only K13 303 317.60 (100%) as per attached Contract Agreement.”

Social media, however, is questioning as to how such a tiny house and a tiny pit latrine could cost such a whooping R13 million.

Writing on his Facebook account, Idris Ali Nassah wrote:“I am looking to get more information on how this one tiny block and its pit latrine at Lungwena Police in Lutende, Mangochi, is said to have cost over K13 million of the Constituency Development Fund. I have questions for Dunia Building Contractors, too.”

Another social media commentator Thandie Wa Pulimuheya wrote: “After them four year learned folk who prance about and resist being questioned, we have the construction industry. Ukuso kuli mbava zolapitsa. 

“This structure apparently cost Mk13 million to build by the contractors. Akuti nyumba ya wa police ndi chimbudzi chokumba.  

“I dare this company that they can construct an additional free classroom block in the same area.  This madness too needs to go. Thievery by the professions needs to stop. Our jails are full of goat thieves.. but the elephants are wearing suits in town.”

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The Knight Templar
The Knight Templar
4 years ago

There is no story here.

Fake Petros
Fake Petros
4 years ago

Ndiwe mbava ngati mbuye wanu Prince of Thieves now in Nyekhwe Palace. See the date 19th June, DPP all what they know is kuba, kupha then zigololo (merry making) ngati Mdyelekezi!

Eye opener
Eye opener
4 years ago

Looks like fair price. What is 13 million
Plus house is built and still he is not paid so if he took a loan than the interest his paying

4 years ago

Very sad to hear comments from the so called contructors. The mere fact that we are not contructors does not mean that we are daft. I have build a two bedroomed house, toilet and bath last month with a total of K872,000.00. What is this nonsense you are talking about construction expenses? Two years ago I build a three bedroomed house with toilet and bath in my home village at a total cost of K6.2m. Please do not take us for fools, we know what construction is all about. If you spend K10m to construct such a house then you… Read more »

4 years ago

what nonsense is this

4 years ago


4 years ago

What’s this fuss? Legally the council should have floated a bid document and the qualified selected.It was up to the procurement committee to reject if theynwere not satisfied with the bidding documents.

Fake Petros
Fake Petros
4 years ago
Reply to  Shameyou

Olo pa mudzi mfumu ikhala mbava aliyense olo timatsanduka tisidzinantole. The president was a thief, CEOs became thieves, DCs became thieves, procurement teams became thieves. APM was not a Prince of Thieves for nothing

Mr Truth Pains
4 years ago

This house is less than Mk5million, the iron sheets used on this house is 32g which is very cheap compared to 28g, it’s for 10ft 32g 26 sheets x K4200 each = Mk109,200 Secondary, Bricks used cost K600 each by then and this house took 724 bricks x K600= Mk434,400 Thirdly , this tiny house used less than 80 bags of Cement x k6900 old price of Cement 2months ago = Mk552,000 Fourthly, other expenses such as ridges, water , food , sand and Quarry = Mk250,000 Lastly, labour charge = Mk650,000 Total Amount for this building= Mk1,995 000 including… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Mr Truth Pains

Poor calculations,construction works are not simply calculated like that as you will compromise quality of the building.Don’t underrate this work.For a house to be completed from foundation stage to roofing and finishings more cash is involved and the contractor has to make profit also.13million looks bigto buy groceries but a peanut in construction.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mr Truth Pains

the house you have constructed has no timber no door frames no windows no plumbing and electricity no termite control. No transport costs to bring the bricks cement and quarry. Brick force wire, no paint. You don’t even know how far the supplies are. Uni simunamangepo nyumba.

Issah m'balaka
4 years ago
Reply to  Mr Truth Pains


Issah m'balaka
4 years ago
Reply to  Mr Truth Pains

This is a full of nonsense because u can’t cost like such more amount for this fucken building

4 years ago

When was this house contructed? Nthawi ya mbava zija?

Botolo top
Botolo top
4 years ago

Because u don’t know what it takes to build that house…13 million is even alittle as ma QS akupangileni u will see this house will even come to 19 million…mungolankhula inu pamene simungayimange nyumba ngati iyi agalu

4 years ago

May you please see the contract the contractor signed. If was expensive, the council had power to say we are not proceeding with this contract and we are opting for the next cheaper evaluated bidder. Period.

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