Mcheka-Chileje challenges Nkhoma’s lawsuit: ‘Marriage issues to be sorted out’

Deputy Speaker of Parliament Esther Mcheka Chilenje has challenge defamation lawsuit filed by her former husband Chief commissioner of Malawi Prison Service (MPS) Kennedy Nkhoma.

Mcheka-Chilenje:  Marriage issues to sort out
Mcheka-Chilenje: Marriage issues to sort out
Nkhoma:Sues for defamtion
Nkhoma:Sues for defamtion

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, through her lawyer, has however countered Nkhoma informing the court that there are “marriage issues to be sorted out” and prays that the action be dismissed with costs.

She also contest that Nkhoma addressed her as Esther Mcheka Chilenje “while correct name of the defendant is Esther Mcheka Chilenje Nkhoma as she is duly married to the plaintiff.”

Nkhoma alleges in the law suit that she defamed him through a phone text message that talked about his health status.

The deputy speaker denies the accusation but insists the two were still legally married and that they should sort out their marriage differences.

Chilenje claimed Nkhoma ran away from their matrimonial home.

On April 14 2007 Nkhoma and Esther Mcheka Chilenje tied a knot in what was billed as wedding of the year which was attended by the former president late Bingu wa Mutharika.

The high profile marriage did not last due to what sources described as bad blood between the wife and her step children.

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10 years ago

Anana umulekedi psyilu ba nkhoma akakwakire kwao

Pastor Samuel
Pastor Samuel
10 years ago

Mawu akuti tisaweluzane koma apa Mai uyu waonjeza.funsani baba gwanda chakwamba,Henry Mussa,ena sindi atchula nkhani izi akuzipangaa ndiiye ndicholinga choipitsa babayu.kodi baba anathawambo chani kunyumba kwawo ku 47.chinalipo icho anathawa. Bambo uyu nayembo anakwatlla nkhalamba ya chisinau I kuchita kuonekeratu.kofika pothawa maiyu Mesa anali ndindalama.ndengati muti baba amafuna Kudya ndalama bwanji anazithawa.
Esther speaker kuyelasikukongola ai zipase ULemu wako ena akukwailanso ndi zambili mtown.

10 years ago


10 years ago

Good people basi Esther am sure wamva na ngati ndiwakumva zomwe mwaremba zonsezi!!! Uhule wamwamuna is not attractive or sunyozeka ndi anthu BUT If a woman is a prostitute, it’s MORE disgressful. Izizi zinayambira mu BIBLE when the men caught the adulterous woman and brought to Jesus, the MAN was not brought along with the woman prostitute…..SO ESTHER don’t even try to smear Ken that he has so many concubines, it’s actually not only him …I CAN TELL YOU 90% OF MEN COMMENTING HERE THEY HAVE EXTRAS/KAYA SPARE WHEELS SOMEWHERE SO TO US MEN WE UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER KOMA WOMAN… Read more »

Oppressing The Poor
Oppressing The Poor
10 years ago

Dear Mr President ofthe Republic of Malawi. During campaign munanena kuti inu mukazatenga boma muzaonesetsa kuti anthu azikhala ndi one boyfriend or one girlfriend basi. Kodi ziyamba liti?Chisembwere chanyanya pamalawi. Edzi sikutha koma bola ma units alipo. Kodi EBOLA akalowa tipulumuka? Please Mr President revisit ur pledge ma banja akutekeseka. Zalowa chisawawa. Look at Kennedy and Esther. No morals.

10 years ago

ndiye mmene ndikuwadziwila ma leveni achisenamo shaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!….amuna onse akunenedwawo kuteloku anakokakoka ndikutopa nawo!!!!!!????????…khalani pansi mai mwayalukapo apa!!!!!!….kudzimva iwe kwambili but you are old now…..

10 years ago

Zovuta zedi

10 years ago

# 52 ndakumvela chisoni kwambiri read the story propery and understand wat nyasa has written.Kennedy is not complaining olo kumuyalutsa nkaziyu, she is the one insist she is still married to the man she once called names.ask me ananditengapo ku ofc ya mamunawake kuti tikathane naye mpaka kumugwila nkhosi…..Esther is my friend koma iiii moto

10 years ago

Hehehe koma zina abale kupasaanthu phwete mayi iwe ulibe nzeru 5 years tsopano chithere banja .wachinditsa chinditsa uko .ukukakamilandzina lamunthu ngati Golide bwa.aa nsena iwenso waaaaa utionongerambo mbiri ya a Sena.ati woman of substance .akumakuonatu anthu.holier than thou.ine tsibweni wako ukundichitisambo manyazi .

Cgi mzimu
Cgi mzimu
10 years ago

Kennedy Nkhoma wachabechabe ukuyesa ngati Ukuyalutsa Esther pomalemba nkhani manyazi pepala Ukuziyalutsa wekha Kennedy Olo ungamunamizile Esther chotani Tsikulina Chilungamo CHIDZIWIKA !!!!!Mulungu Akuona Zomwe ukumuchita Esther.Kodi Umamamukwatilira Njilu!!! Mumangofuna kumubela Mkazi Chuma Lero ukumuyalutsa Chifukwa wawona Kuti Bodza lonse lija umm anena laonekera poyera Lerotu Esther MULUNGU WAMUDALITSA WANYA NAYO KENNEDY NKHOMA

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