MEC appeals to Malawi Supreme Court on re-run in Mangochi West Constituency

The Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) has appealed to the Malawi Supreme Court of Appeal the case in which it was ordered by the High Court to conduct a re-run in Mangochi West Constituency.

Mwafulirwa: MEC has appealed

According to MEC spokesperson Sangwani Mwafulirwa, the commission  noticed that some facts and evidence might have not been considered in the case.

On December 20 2019, High Court Judge Sylvester Kalembera, ordered MEC to conduct the re-run in the constituency having what he described as irregularities and inconsistencies in the results.

Independent candidate Simeon Harrison challenged the parliamentary results following MEC’s declaration of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Geoffery Chiwondo as winner.

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5 years ago

Ref uyu ndiodabwitsa ndithu. Why appealing on behalf of the candidate???????

Jane Aswelele
Jane Aswelele
5 years ago

Did MEC go to court or its the competing candidates.How would court get an appeal from a mare witness who was neither petitioner nor respondent????

angoni apaphata
angoni apaphata
5 years ago

MEC. Your job is to conduct elections. Akawuzani kuti mukapange zisankho inu mukukana. Ndiye mupange resign if you don’t want to do your job.

5 years ago

Its not a question of being ordered to conduct rerun but facts on the ground so if they find anything tangible they have the right to do so my friend.

Tippex Engeener
Tippex Engeener
5 years ago

MEC’s credibility to be neutral is questionable. This body needs an overhaul from theirs acts, commissioners, employees, and non established workers. The MEC body should be neutral to all all Malawians. What I see here is MEC affiliated organization. God help us court case should bring sanity to mother Malawi

5 years ago

A MEC adya ndalama zambiri za DPP, ndiye kujijirika konseku. Akuopa kuti auzidwa kubweza ndalama for a job not well done popeza azitafuna kale!!

Maxwell Umar
Maxwell Umar
5 years ago

How does a referee appeal against the decision of VAR? zoopsatu izi!
Partisan referee…

5 years ago

MEC appeal is in essence on behalf of dpp while the same MEC continues to ignore the pple of LL South who have now stayed for 8 mths without Parliamentary by-elections simply bcoz the constituency is heavily MCP.Brood of vipers…ur days are numbered!

5 years ago

Stupid MEC why appealing the case in stead of the looser? Stupid MEC ndinu agalu kobasi.

5 years ago


5 years ago

No MP was sued, it was MEC that was sued and it is appealing a judgement on a case that it lost, what’s is peculiar about that? Umbuli wa a Malawi umapwetekesa mutu pena

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