University of Malawi to host women’s sexual reproductive health conference
Improved Midwifery Care Access Initiative (IMCAI), whose goal is to increase access to quality sexual reproductive health services and rights to the local community to help reduce maternal and neonatal deaths, has organised a women’s sexual and reproductive health to be held University of Malawi constituent college, The Polytechnic.
The conference, which is in collaboration with Polytechnic Student Union (PSU), is scheduled for Saturday, April 14 in the college’s Main Lecture Theatre from 14:00hrs.
IMCAI Malawi executive director, Dan Kawaye, told Nyasa Times that the set of the conference aims at bringing women in a comfortable environment where they “can be open” to discuss the most personal sexual and reproductive concerns that they have.
The presenter, Wilned Zoto Hara, a passionate nurse and midwife and author of ‘Family Guide to Safe Motherhood’ said the conference is a not-to-avoid for women.
“This conference is not just about cancers, it will cover every aspect of woman’s sexual and reproductive health so as to empower them to make informed decisions concerning their health. Topics such as menstruation problems and contraception, among others, will be tackled.
“But on the part of cancer, the conference aims to explore the factors that made cervical and breast cancers non-existent 30 years ago but are a major concern today,” said Hara.
According to Hara, one of the objectives they want to achieve positive behavior change and awareness to reduce risky behaviors among young people.
“A lot of adolescents have challenges in accessing sexual reproductive health services due to several reasons some of them being misconception towards the services and lack of information,” said Hara who is also Projects Coordinator for IMCAI Malawi.
Nyasa Times Malawi learnt that IMCAI Malawi mainly focuses Sustainable Development Goal 3 which focuses on ensuring health lives and promoting wellbeing for all at all ages.
Said Kawaye: “The health sector in Malawi also launched the Health Sector Strategic Plan 2 (HSSP 2) whose main focus is the concept of Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
“The HSSP 2 has set out a number of interventions to be achieved under the Essential Health Care Package. Adolescent Health has been identified as one of the priorities.”
According to him, “the conference will be spiced up with performances by Fat-B, poet Breema and Gome and Bossaro Music Grou
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