Mutharika appoints University of Malawi delinking tash force: Magawira is chair
President Peter Mutharika has appointed a reconstituted task force to oversee the delinking of College of Medicine, Kamuzu College of Nursing and The Polytechnic from the University of Malawi (Unima).

According to a statement made available to Nyasa Times signed by Princiapal Secretary for Industry, Trade and Tourism Cliff Chiunda on behalf of Chief Secretary to the Government Lloyd Muhara, the appointment by the President follow the endorsement by the University of Malawi (Unima) Council for the unbundling process to begin for the public university established in 1965.
Mutharika has hired Dr McPhail Magwira as chairperson of the task committe.
Other members appointed include Harold Kuchande, Dr Tarscious Nampota, Dr Fritz Robert Kadyoma, Dr Dorothy Namate, Pastor Canaan Phiri, Prof Brown Biziwick Chiphamba and Isabella Ndolo.
There are also ex-officio members in Pricipal Secretray for Education, Science and Technology; Principal Secretary for Human Resource Management and Develeopment and Controller for Statutory Corporations.
Unima Council chairperson Dr James Maida said the task force will oversee the delinking process.
“Until the process has been finalised, Unima will continue as one entity,” Maida said.
Chancellor College associate professor of law Edge Kanyongolo said he is optimistic that the delinking process will not take long, saying amending the Unima Act and appointing new leadership cannot take years.
The delinking of the three colleges will be the second after Bunda College of Agriculture was delinked from the university in 2011 which merged with Natural Resources College to form Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Luanar).
Why forming 3 University councils at this time when the economy is still nosediving? Mwati a Hlomwe ena atafuneko powapatsa peza udindo wonona koma wa fake musanachokeeeeeetuuuuuuuu!! Shame on you!
Komano u Professor umenewu ndi wa “merit” koma? Eeeeeeshi!
Instead of building new Universities, you are busy tampering with what our past leaders built. Shame on you. May your days be short
These pple wants to steal now, look how the Ministry of agriculture Bwanas have arranged with DADO, DOWA East to steal coupons from poor farmers, DADO Mdulamizi is selling coupons to venders openly at the boma, he keeps them at the office and house
Elsewhere the language is collaboration, amalgamation, consolidation, networking, galvanising, bundling, synthesizing. In Malawi it is unbundling, dividing, splitting, breaking up – in the name of development. One wonders which planet we live in. With adequate political will UNIMA can be decentralised and run efficiently – there are more than enough examples in our region!!
We must look carefully at the rationale behind the step taken by government. Between two lines, the idea behind is to make MUST the notable university in the county. These guys are systematically erasing development dreams of DR: Kamuzu Banda and the strides made under MCP. University of Nairobi has several faculties or colleges including college of medicine. So too are University of Zambia, University of Namibia and University of Botswana, so why delink it and reduce the universities to mere colleges or High schools? I wonder if having a leader who has been a university professor adds value to… Read more »
The decision to delink was made by us, the employees for the university at each college and senate forced council to inform the president to endorse. we got better plans for our institutions
Just ask the Unima Council the reasons why they recommended for the unbundling.
Bola musapange politicize ma guys aku University Office kuti tikhalebe under your failed Leadership.. Kanyongolo wanena momveka bwino kuti olo by January tikha kulekanapo apa.