President Laz appoints full Malawi cabinet with Mia, Usi and Khumbize in top positions
Malawi Congress Party (MCP) first deputy president Sidik Mia has been appointed Minister of Transport and Public Works while secretary general Elsenhower Mkaka is Foreign Affairs and Micheal Usi the UTM vice president is Tourism, Culture and Wildlife minister as President Lazarus Chakwera named his first full cabinet.

Chakwera gave key roles to leading Tonse Alliance politicians, honouring certain figures who helped him win a crucial election re-run.
The new president chose Robin Lowe who he picked as leader of opposition when he rejected to recognise Peter Mutharika as duly elected president in 2019, to be agriculture minister.
UTM secretary general Patricia Kaliati is named Minister of Community Development and Social Welfare while UTM’s Newton Kambala is Minister of Energy and UTM’s Agness Nyalonje is Minister of Education.
Citizen for Transformation Movement (CFT) leader Timothy Mtambo has been given minister of civic education and national unity.
MCP stawalts in the cabinet include Lingson Belekanyama as Minister of Local Government; Titus Mvalo as Minister of Justice, Khumbidze Kandodo Chiponda is Minister of Health, Sosten Gwengwe gets trade portfolio.
Other ministers are Nancy Tembo for Forestry and Natural Resources; Kezzie Kasambala Msuwa minister of lands, Ulemu Msungama minister of youth and sports.
Zodiak Broadcasting Station managing director and owner Gosepl Kazako is appointed minister of information and while People’s Party (PP) vice president and son of former president Joyce Banda, Roy Akajuwe Kachale is Minister of Industry.
President Chakwera in consultation with vice-president Chilima has also appointed Rashid Abdul Gaffar as minister of mining.
The President had only named a partial cabinet in which vice-president Saulos Chilima, who was sworn-in alongside Chakwera was named as minister of economic planning and development, and public sector reforms.
Chilima played an important role in the re-run of the controversial “Tippex election”, coming together with Chakwera to form the opposition Tonse Alliance that ultimately unseated ex-president Peter Mutharika.
Felix Mlusu was named as Malawi’s finance minister. He was previously managing director of Nico Holdings Plc, a financial company with interests in Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Mozambique.
Chikosa Silungwe, another lawyer involved in the court case forcing the election re-run, was named as Malawi’s attorney general. Silungwe previously worked at Malawi’s Law Commission and has a doctorate in Law from the University of Warwick, UK.
Richard Chimwendo Banda was named as minister of homeland security.
Chakwera won the election re-run with almost 59 percent of the vote. The country’s constitutional court had ordered a re-run over “widespread irregularities”, including the use of correction fluid to tamper with tally sheets.
Malawi became only the second country in sub-Saharan Africa to have presidential poll results overturned in the courts, as Kenya did in 2017.
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Tchulani anthu amene simudawakonde amalawi ndizifukwazake. Mwina mumafuna mutakhalapo inuyo or abale Anu unfortunately nzosatheka kutenga anthu onse mu Malawi muno.
Kodi tinene Kuti chakwera amasankha nduna popanda a tonse alliance or panali dongosolo pa zipani zonse Za tonse?
Timaona ngati anthu adzelu agwape enieni mukuona ngati mukupa chikuwawe tionana pompano
Zibwana mwachita apa O Chakwera zithere pompa mwamva!
UTM 2025 we are standing Alone, this Chakwera man is a disappointment
Disappointing for what? Chilima has contributed to the chosing of the cabinet ministers can you see how many ministers are from UTM. Chilima is in the cabinet ministers, chikosa silungwe, Patricia kaliat, Michael usi, who else help me? It’s definitely yes that chilima of the UTM took part in selecting the cabinet ministers don’t blame chakwera.
Poor Chakwera has to put up with this just to respect the Tonse Alliance Agreement. UTM and PP candidates for cabinet positions are ridiculous, wonder why Chilima [ UTM ] would do this.leaving Chakwera with two options, accept these stupid appointments or declining and whole Alliance starts to fall apart.Chakwera couldn’t risk fighting now but am sure once he gets his budget approved in parliament and MCP gets more independent MP’s to join government side,a reshuffle will be inevitable and UTM camp will regret this.
What this Cabinet appointment has demonstrated is that the President and his team is very weak. What Malawians were expecting is for the President to at least appoint one Cabinet Minister from each district to enable the country heal and unite towards a common purpose. The Dpp failed on account of gross nepotism, corruption and encouraging lawlessness. Bring in same old families that are tinged with the current hardship into Cabinet does not give a good impression to the citizens.Given where we are coming from, he would have been very careful not to let in recycled families that bring ill… Read more »
Nyau Cabinet, is this a joke or what????
A Chakwera mwalowa chi Bwana mwanbva?