Woman loses lip in Thyolo for non-payment of K500 debt

In Thyolo, district a woman, 33, has lost her lip after her friend bit and removed completely her lower lip over non-payment of K500 debt.

Shocker: Woman loses lip

She is currently being treated at Malamulo hospital in Thyolo.

Thyolo Police Officer-In-Charge Davie Chingwalu says Estere Wyson borrowed K500 from Falesi Jonas aged 25 and as time passed without paying back the money, Falesi told her friend to work in her garden to recover her money.

Estere denied and instead she paid back K200 and remained with K300.

“On 24th October, 2020, Falesi went back to Estere’s house where she demanded the remaining K300 and there a fight begun. Falesi bit and removed completely Estere’s slower lip,” said Chingwalu.

With blood oozing, Estere was taken to Malamulo hospital where she has been admitted.

“We arrested Falesi and charged her with grievous harm and she appeared in court on Tuesday where she was released on bail,” said the district police OC.

Both are from the same village of Mwanya Traditional Authority Mbawera in Thyolo district.

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Achachanda apa town
Achachanda apa town
4 years ago

This shows how poverty has risen during the group nse govt, nthawi ya DPP kunalibe izi

Mphatso M
Mphatso M
4 years ago

Kalanga ine, Zowona, kumuphweteka ndi kumulimaza mzako chifukwa cha K300. (ndalama) ?

Chonde a Malawi, tiyeni tikondane. Nkhaza tileke kwa anzathu.

Zakuphanso achibale athu a khungu la achi albino, or kugwiririra ana, ayi. Tilekeretu.

Tiyeni tikondane wina ndi mzake.

Keen Observer
Keen Observer
4 years ago

Very sad this simply shows the level of poverty in our country. God help us this is inhuman, shower us with love amongst each other.

4 years ago

Kumabweza ngongole. Amalawi Ambili sitibweza ngongole. Wina ndizamuzula za kunsi.

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