Bushiri is up for something bigger: The world must watch out!
He carries a crazy face and a funny hairstyle; on Twitter, he sounds messy, crude and unthinking. But be advised: Donald J Trump is not any close to such lunatic descriptions.

In fact, if you want to understand the genius that is him, just read his book ‘Art of the Deal’.
In the book, Trump, in simple English, reveals how he negotiates and wins big, I mean big, deals; how he destroys his enemies—just everything that made him a billionaire and, also, the most powerful man in the world.
Well, that is Trump.
But have you, for once, thought of this young man called Shepherd Bushiri, a preacher and also an investor? Of course, the immediate reaction from many—just like they did when Trump announced he will contest for the US president—would be to scandalize him with all sorts of disparaging adjectives.
Not only that.
Some, in their layback mode, would hasten to ask easy, very easy, questions on how, in few years, Bushiri has made himself a global personality.
When it comes to Bushiri, it is interesting how we enjoy the bliss of avoiding appreciating apparent signals of brilliance in him. It is interesting how we enjoy filling the gap of our failure to appreciate his visible brilliance by tirelessly spearheading silly, empty and laughable theories to explain his fortune and fame.
But let us face it, ladies and gentlemen: Bushiri, just like Trump, has his Art of the Deal. The young Malawian is a master of the trade and, believe me, we have a genius in him living amongst us.
Those close to him narrates different attributes of him that, to a theorist like me, sums up that Bushiri is a calculative thought leader, a young and overtly ambitious intuitive genius, gifted and shrewd at strategy and fearlessly bold at implementation.
Let me give you an instance.
Just a year ago, the name Bushiri was a symbol of everything wrong.
On social media, both local and international, he was always the topic of mock, ridicule, disdain; always scandalized, a kind of ‘dirt-off my shoulder’ to borrow rapper Jay-Z’s term.
Even mainstream media too.
The name was always projected as ‘controversial’, often making headlines for being ‘rejected’, for being in and out ‘courts’, for being accused of ‘scamming people’, for being accused of ‘laundering money’—just everything.
Governments, too, made bold moves to disassociate with his name.
Malawi tactically blocked everything about him—even his charities. In Botswana, they revoked his visa-free status, they dared to ban his church, so many things. Zimbabwe kept mocking his prophecies, Namibia labelled him a con artist and Zambia threatened to close his mines.
Indeed, the name Bushiri wasn’t a name to be associated with. It represented a brand of shame, a symbol of rot—something that had to be crashed, damned, nipped in the bud and, easily put, destroyed.
Yet against all odds, Bushiri soldiered on. He never faltered. He kept on preaching and growing his church and, most importantly, speaking his truth quietly.
Those that met/meet him in person, tell a story of a man, strange in character, who hardly appeared fazed or concerned with all the rot going around his name. They say he always look jovial, forgiving, prayerful, always talking about God, about family, about his business and, of course, his ministry. Nothing else.
Well, it appears such an attitude is working for him.
Just look around his name, today.
There hasn’t been, of course, a complete turnaround regarding perceptions people have around his name. However, it would take a first rate pessimist to dispute a visible change in the way the name Bushiri was viewed a year ago with the way it is perceived now.
Governments are inviting him to high profile meetings—making their investment ambassadors. Business magnates keep calling for partnerships. Social media is full of his praise and defense.
Mainstream media colour their front page with every step he takes. His church continue to quadruple. Celebrities and powerful personalities can’t stop gracing his church. Once his vowed critics are now eating on the same table with him.
It wouldn’t be an understatement to argue that the name Bushiri, slowly but steadily, is acquiring a new name, a fresh brand that many want to associate with.
Of course, the immediate question is: What strategy was he using, or he is using, to manage this mindset shift? However, the larger question is: Still in his mid-thirties, where is he taking his achievements to? He must be up to something big. But what could that be?
By the way, I hear Bushiri is a great admirer of Trump and he reads and follows Trump extensively.
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KKKK koma abale, mpaka the world must watch?????? Ayayaya! Nkhani yake iti? Can Malawians stop hero worshiping and go to work please. Even inu a ma Pentecostal churches mukusokeretsa anthu kwambiri …….bwerani muzalandire chosowa…..chozizwa…..eeeh what what! Malawians, the way to prosperity is HARD WORK. Mubetsa kuma church ku.
Which world should watch? Ndizimene m’manamizana ku nyasaland ndi Africa yanuyo? No in the world (apart from some parts of Africa) know this crook and will NEVER EVER make it onto the world ladder. BTW, very few in the world even know a country called Malawi ever exist, unless they follow madona of course.
Bushiri is a hot cake, enafe tinayithaima kalekale and have been saying this all along. Enanu mukadalubwalubwa be mpaka pano kumamunenabe?. Woe to vipers who cannot see the amazing attributes in him. Watch this space more is yet to come
Ooh ,kodi.
I used to like him in 2010 when he was a simple preacher on MBC..He made an interview on the morning show…each and every morning I would sit on my sofa drinking tea..ready for work and listening to his Bible teachings..he was/is such a great teacher of the “WORD” and then I began to be pessimistic..then again I started admiring his Entreprenuerial Prowess..panopa ndiye ndinayimika manja..love him or loathe him..the man is genius…size yapatali kwabasi.. we can only watch and learn
Ooooh God please Remove the scales of blindness from the eyes of my fellow MALAWIANS so that we can see that BUSHIRI IS the only Answer to the hardships the country is facing otherwise We will regret /suffer like never before in human history
I am not a Bushiri admirer but oh boy he is certainly shaking the tree. We ignore him at our own peril. He must be doing something right for the thousands upon thousands of people and he is surely changing their lives which is much more than most of us are capable of doing. Whatever the case, the man is endowed with a gift to move and influence people and that’s what you need in a leader whether political or religious. I take my hat out for him and wish him well. Keep making a difference to peoples lives with… Read more »
So he is younger than Chilima. Therefore if the Kaliatis and Masangwis want a youthful president to lead the nation let them abandon Chilima and settle for the young man.
Welcome back Santana! Many readers of NyT on-line missed your insightful comments.
Will hear something bigger soon, Bushiri is just the right person to bail Malawi from political plagues,,,,,, come Prophet Bushiri and cast out all the demonic hatred and emotional political styles in our mother land
Matthew 7:15
How on earth can you relate Bushiri to Trump? Do you really know who Trump is? Or r u just praising your master? This is totally a useless writing, ngati wakhuta maunga zigona, but this is way out of line. I f you were DPP ukanakhala cadet…